Chapter 87

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Odette and Logan headed back home, leaving Finn, Emma and I alone in his living room.  "Mommy?" she asked in a shy, quiet voice.

"Yeah, baby?" I asked her.

"I understand why Dettie yelled at me.  Well, not all of it, but I know she was just scared, and that sometimes people yell when they're scared...  I don't want to make her scared anymore.  I don't want to make anyone scared anymore, and I'm really sorry" she whispered.

I sighed and kissed her on the top of her head.  "We would all appreciate that very much, Em.  And the way to make sure that never happens again, is to make sure you never do something like that again, right?" I asked her.

"Right.  I'm sorry, Mommy, I'll never run away like that again.  I don't ever want to make you sad again" she whispered.

"Thank you, sweet girl.  I love you so much, and I just wouldn't be okay if anything bad ever happened to you – and you have no idea how lucky you really were, Em.  Someone bad could've gotten you, and we'd have never seen you again.  I wouldn't be able to handle that, sweetheart" I promised her.

She looked down and nodded.  "I know, Mommy.  I love you, too" she whispered.

I heard Finn let out a sigh of relief as he listened to our conversation.  "Emma, I know I'm not your dad – but I would be devastated if anything ever happened to my little girl" he told her.

"I'm like your little girl?" she asked him, her whole face lighting up.

"Oh, absolutely, Em.  You've taught me so much, and I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone.  You'll always be like my little girl, no matter what" he promised.

She looked down again sadly.  "But you and mommy still don't love each other anymore" she pouted.

"That's not true, Emma" I whispered, looking at Finn.  She looked up at me curiously.  "I still love your Uncle Finn very, very much – and I always will – but both of our feelings got hurt, and that's going to take a while to fix" I told her.

"Emma, no matter what, even if your mum and I never get back together, I will always love you both.  Nothing will ever change that" he promised.

"But what if you get a new girlfriend and she has a daughter you like more than me?" she asked, her lip quivering a little.

He chuckled lightly to himself.  "I won't have time for another girlfriend, Em" he said.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Because I'm going to be way too busy trying to win back your mum" he whispered to her with a wink and she smiled broadly.

"Oh I hope, I hope, I hope so!" she said.

"What did you tell her?" I asked him curiously.

"Well now, that's our little secret, right Em?" he asked and she nodded, crossing her arms in front of her chest, showing she was a fortress and she wasn't going to say a word.

"Fine, fine" I said, putting my hands up in surrender as I stood up to start gathering our things to go home.

"Stay" he pleaded.

I looked up at him in surprise and stammered a little bit.

"I know you think you need to leave, but you don't.  Please stay.  At least for tonight.  It's late, we're all tired, my guest room is open if you don't feel comfortable sharing; stay" he continued.

"Please momma?  Can we please stay?" Emma asked.

I sighed, secretly not wanting to leave, either, but I wouldn't come out and say it.  "I – I guess that would be okay, but just for tonight.  Tomorrow we're going home" I told them both.

"Fair enough, Love" Finn said, and Emma nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's get you to bed, Em.  It's late, and we've all had a big day" I told her.  She groaned a little bit, but yawned and I knew she was ready for bed.

Finn and I tucked her in, just like we used to, and walked back to the living room in an awkward silence.  "Thank you – for staying, I mean.  I feel like you and I need to talk about things" he said.

I sighed.  As much as I agreed with that, I was still on the defensive and not sure I really felt like talking.  "I don't know if that's a good idea to get into this late in the evening" I told him.

He took my hand in his and looked deep into my eyes, and I could feel my defenses starting to melt.  "Please?  I want to have the chance to try and fix this" he whispered.

I shrugged.  "There's no way we'd be able to get everything hashed out in an hour or two" I told him.

"Just humor me.  Please.  Come on, Rory, I'm trying" he begged me and I nodded.

"Okay.  Let's talk" I relented, and we sat down on the couch, and each tried to think of what we wanted to bring to the conversation.

**                                **                                **

"Mommy!  Uncle Finn!  Wake up!  It's morning!" Emma said, shaking us awake.

I was startled for a minute, realizing I was laying in Finn's arms, and then I took in our surroundings – we'd fallen asleep on the couch in the middle of our conversation, and we were cuddled up on the couch together.  We were able to talk about a lot, clear the air, but things still weren't back to normal.  That would take much longer.

"Are you Uncle Finn's girlfriend again!?" Emma asked eagerly, since she saw our embrace.

"No.  No, sweetheart, I'm not.  Uncle Finn and I still have a really long way to go before that could ever be a possibility again" I told her.

She sighed but nodded.  "Uncle Finn, wake up!" she said, shaking him again and he groaned, and his eyes opened and a smile formed on his face.

"Am I dreaming?  Surely I must be if you're both here when I wake up" he whispered with the smile growing.

"You're not dreaming, Uncle Finn!  We're really right here!" Emma said and he laughed at her taking it so literal.

"Why don't you go wash your face and we'll get up" Finn told her and she happily bounced into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

"Thank you for staying last night, Love.  Sorry if I invaded any personal space while we were sleeping" he teased.

I laughed and shrugged.  "If you did, I was asleep for it, so I guess we're good" I teased.

"What do you say we go take Little Love to breakfast and get you Gilmore Girls fed" he said and I agreed wholeheartedly.

"Yes!  Oh my God, I'm starving!" I said, standing up and he chuckled as he got up, and ready to go.

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