Chapter 11

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There was a knock on the door and Emma started jumping up and down with excitement.  "Uncle Finn's here!  Uncle Finn's here!" she exclaimed.

I laughed and answered the door after peeking through the peephole.  There he was, tall, dark, handsome, and ready for an evening with me and my four year old.  I smiled to myself as I opened the door.  "Well hello there." I said.

"Hello yourself" he said, eyeing my pajamas.

"I assumed you'd be wearing thousand dollar silk pajamas, and then saying those are your crap pair" I teased.

"They're at the cleaners, I had to slum it and wear gym clothes" he teased.  "But what about you?  Do you always dress this way for an evening in with your daughter?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, what would make you think otherwise of a girl in shorts and a tank top?" I asked with a laugh, opening the door further to let him in.

"Uncle Finn!" Emma cried, running over to him.

"Hey there, Little Love!  How's my best girl!?" he asked, kneeling down to give her a hug, and she held on so tight.  I was blown away, I didn't even realize they were close before hearing about it while I was in the hospital, but apparently they've got a super sweet bond together.

"Well, come on in, make yourself comfortable.  We haven't picked a movie yet, because Em insisted on waiting for you, but the food should be here any minute.  I hope you're hungry!  I didn't know what you like, so I ordered enough food to feed a small army!" I said with a laugh.

"Well aren't you two thoughtful?" he asked with a smile.

"Come sit by me, Uncle Finn!" Emma pleaded, pulling his hand, and leading him over to the couch.

"What can I get you to drink?  I'm fresh out of scotch" I teased.

He laughed.  "I don't ALWAYS drink scotch, you know.  Just some water would be great" he said.

"You sure?  I've got tea or a little bit of soda.  Or I've always got coffee ready to be made at the drop of a hat" I said.

"I actually don't drink anything with caffeine, but water's perfect" he said.

I looked at him in surprise.  "Oh...I...did not know that...  How does one simply NOT drink caffeine?  I don't understand...but okay!  Water it is" I said with a laugh, getting him a glass of ice water from the fridge.  I gathered some other snacks and there was a knock on the door.

"Oh!  That must be the food" I said.

"Don't worry, Love, I'll get the door" he said, getting up to answer it.

I laughed as I watched him try to pay for it.  I knew him well enough to know he'd try something like that, so I was prepared and paid them with my card whenever I ordered.  He gave a generous tip, and then closed the door and turned to me.

"You're a sneaky girl" he said with a laugh.

"What, you think I'd let you pay?  No way, sir, you're the one getting spoiled tonight" I said.

He laughed and raised an eyebrow, and then I laughed realizing how dirty that sounded.  "You know what I meant" I said with another laugh.

"Are you hungry, Little Love?" he asked, setting the food down on the table.

"Are you kidding!?  I'm half Gilmore!" she teased him and he looked at me with the most surprised smile I've ever seen.

"That you are, indeed!" he said, starting to take the food from the bags.  "Good God Gilmore, this IS enough food to feed an army!" he teased.

"I told you!  Like I said, I hope you're hungry!" I said with a laugh, grabbing some plates and forks.

After we got settled and we were sitting on the couch, we were still trying to decide on a movie.

"So what are we watching then, Little Love?" Finn asked.

"I think I'm in a Little Mermaid mood tonight" she said.

"You're going to make poor old Uncle Finn watch the Little Mermaid on his first movie night?  You know, you might just scare him away and he won't want to come back for another one" I warned her.

"Hey, watch who you're calling old!" he said with a laugh.  "And I would be delighted to watch The Little Mermaid with my best girl" he said with a smile, and then he stuck his tongue out at me triumphantly.

I laughed, and after Emma finished putting the movie into the Blu-Ray player, she came back and settled in, right between Finn and me, contentedly.

*                                                          *                                                          *

When the movie was over, I looked over at Emma who had made her way into Finn's lap and fell asleep in his arms.  I couldn't help but smile at how happy he looked with her.  "You want me to take her to bed?" I whispered.

He shook his head.  "I'll take her.  Just tell me which one is her room" he said softly.

I walked him down the hall and got her bed ready for her, and he laid her down gently.  "Goodnight, Little Love" he whispered, kissing her on the forehead.  I was lost in amazement, and then he stepped back to let me finish tucking her in.  When did he get so good with kids?

We walked back out to the living room and I just couldn't stop smiling at him in astonishment. 

"What?  What did I do wrong?" he asked defensively.

"Nothing...I had no idea you cared so much for my daughter" I whispered, still smiling.

"Of course I do, she's an amazing girl.  She's the product of my best friend and the most amazing woman in the world" he said, and then the look on his face was priceless.  "That's not what I meant to say, although it's not wrong" he said with a nervous laugh.

"So you think I'm amazing, huh?" I teased.

"Whatever.  You know you're awesome" he teased back.

I laughed, and just started cleaning up our mess from the evening.

"Here, let me help you" he said, picking things up and taking them to the kitchen as well.

"Oh, come on, you're my guest.  Guests don't clean" I insisted.

"You paid for dinner, I help you clean.  That's the rule" he said with a smile, opening up the dishwasher and putting dishes inside.

"Do you even know HOW to load a dishwasher, or do you just have people to do it for you?" I teased.

"Well, why do it yourself when you can pay someone to do it?  It's called employing locally" he said with a laugh.  "Of course I can load a bloody dishwasher, jerk" he teased back.

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