Chapter 22

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When Emma and I arrived home to get ready to go out with Finn and Poppy, I noticed the familiar black town car that would normally be parked outside of my apartment complex was replaced with a black limo. I wasn't aware that Finn was even picking us up, although I didn't mind. I was getting used to him just showing up randomly nowadays.

"Uncle Finn!" Emma cried, rushing over to greet him whenever he got out of the car.

"Hey there, Little Love. How was your day at school today?" he asked her, kneeling down to give her a hug.

"Good!" she exclaimed, automatically climbing into the limo to look around out of curiosity. "It's so cool in here!" she cried.

"I know, isn't it!? Go play!" he said with a laugh, and then he stood up to see me. "Love" he said softly with a smile, kissing me on the cheek.

"Well hello, Finn. I figured we'd just meet you there, I didn't expect you to pick us up" I said.

"It's more fun this way" he said with a shrug and I laughed.

Finn and I looked inside the limo to see Emma playing with Princess Poppy, as she called her. "She really does love kids" he promised with a ghost of a smile, almost to himself.

I noticed the way he had said it sounded a little ominous, but I changed the subject.  "Well, I've got to go in and get changed.  Would you all like to come inside?" I asked.

"Well, I've got to go in and get changed. Would you all like to come inside?" I asked.

"No, Mommy!  I want to stay here with Princess Poppy in the fancy limo!" Emma said.

"It's totally fine if you two want to run in for a minute, I don't mind taking care of Emma out here" she said.

"Come on" he said, leading me up.

"I can get changed by myself you know" I said with a laugh.

"I know you can. I just don't like these apartments. I never feel safe with you here alone" he said.

"That's sickeningly sweet and overprotective, Finn...although, I wouldn't expect anything less out of you lately" I said with a laugh as I unlocked the apartment door.

"I wonder why on earth that could be, Love" he said under his breath, although I pretended not to hear it, since I had no idea how to respond.

"So what is this place you picked out? What is it exactly?" Finn asked.

"Chelsea Piers! They've got so much fun stuff to do. Bowling, ice skating, a rock wall... All sorts of stuff!" I said.

"Sounds like it!" he said.

I went into my room to change, and came back out to the living room in jeans and a fitted sweetheart neck-lined t-shirt. "Well hey there" he said with a wink. I laughed and rolled my eyes, grabbing my purse and leading him out the door.

* * *

We got to Chelsea Piers and went inside. "What do you want to do first, Little Love?" Finn asked Emma.

"Can we go bowling?" she asked.

"Of course! That sounds like fun!" he said.

Finn put his arm around me as we walked, and Emma reached for his hand. Poppy was walking behind us, and sneakily snapped a picture and sent it to their parents. "He's found someone! He's finally settling down, and I absolutely adore her!" she texted.

We walked up to the shoe counter and rented bowling shoes and a lane. "Let's go pick out our bowling balls!" I told Emma, leading her away.

"You are so smitten I don't even know who you are anymore" Poppy said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep it down, would you?" he said with a laugh.

"Look at this adorable picture!" she said, showing him her phone.

He smiled seeing it. "You're a cheeky girl" he said, following after Emma and me.

* * *

Finn was helping Emma bowl, and Poppy came to sit by me. "Hi!" she said.

I laughed. "Hi, Poppy. So, how long are you in New York for?" I asked.

"I actually leave with all of you on Friday afternoon, and then I'll be flying the rest of the way home after you all stay in Anaheim" she said.

"Wow, so it's actually closer for you to fly across the whole country and drop us off in California than crossing the Atlantic. Huh. That sounds like that would be an insanely long flight" I said.

"Yeah, I will spend nearly an entire day traveling, but I've made the trip before, and I've brought lots of things to keep me occupied, so it won't be so bad.  Soon I won't be able to travel as much so I'll be moving back to the states here in a month or so.  My husband and I are just looking for where to live, and of course Finn won't let his only sister just stay anywhere in my condition.  He wants me to be spoiled" she said.

"In your condition - are you pregnant?" I asked. 

"I wish, but unfortunately, no.  Sadly, I've developed an extremely rare form of cancer, and until we figure out a way to beat it, I won't be able to have any children" she said softly.

"Oh - oh my gosh, Poppy, I - I had no idea!  I'm so sorry!" I said in shock.

"We only just found out yesterday at the doctor.  Finn told me he sort of blew you off in his texts, but he's just not processing it really well.  And Charlie, my husband, is absolutely beside himself.  He's so angry with himself for not coming on this trip with me.  He and Finn have both decided the best thing for me was for us to move here and be closer to the doctors" she said softly.

"I think that's a terrific idea" I said in agreement.

"It's your turn, Love" Finn said, interrupting the conversation.

I stood up and took a deep breath, processing all of the heavy information Poppy just told me.  I walked over to the lane and gave it my best shot, although I'm an awful bowler.

Poppy was after me, and then Emma and Finn went back up together, taking both of their turns.

"So Finn and I are meeting our mum and dad for dinner tomorrow night, to tell them in person – you should come with us and meet them!  Give them some happy news at the time of my sad news!" Poppy insisted.

" don't know... Why would inviting one of Finn's friends to dinner be happy news?" I asked in confusion.

She laughed. "Oh come on, I know you two are more than friends" she said.

I shook my head slowly. "But we're really not. We're just really good friends and we hang out a lot together, but that's it. We're not in a relationship or anything" I said.

"Yet" she said surely.


"You're not in a relationship yet. You're almost there. You just need that nudge" she said.

"What makes you think that?" I asked in surprise.

"I see the way he looks at you. It's not lust like he's looked at any other girl in his entire life. No. My brother really has changed for the better, and it's all thanks to you" she said.

"I've definitely noticed that, too, but I assure you, I had nothing to do with that" I said.

"I can promise you, he's never had feelings for anyone, but Finn has feelings for you" she said.

"Hey chatterbox, it's your turn" Finn said with a wink, and I got up to bowl again.

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