Beyond the Legend: The Perfect Thanksgiving

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Rory's POV

I put the finishing touches on the table decorations as I heard the doorbell ring.  "Can someone please get that?" I called.  It was our first Thanksgiving as a married couple, and so I wanted every single detail to be perfect before anyone walked in – and I needed to hurry.

"I'll get it, momma!" Emma called from the other room, and hurried towards the door.  Before long, I could hear warm greetings and laughter interrupting the quiet from before.

"There's my beautiful girl" I heard from behind me, and I whirled around with a smile on my face, seeing Finn leaning casually against the door frame.  I ran up to him and he wrapped his arms around me, kissing me in a way that would rival a sailor on leave.  He had been gone for two weeks, on a business trip to Seattle, and this was the first time I was seeing him since.

"How'd you get past Emma?  And the rest of the family?" I asked in surprise when I pulled away.  I knew there was no way they'd be able to keep his grand entrance a secret.

"Well I snuck in through the back, of course!  You see, I knew they'd all maul Emma when they saw her, so I wanted to take the chance to come in and maul my beautiful bride in private" he said, wiggling his eyebrows with a sneaky smile.  He was holding me close and kissing my neck, which caused me to giggle.  "God, I've missed you, baby!" he growled.

"I've missed you too!  So much!" I promised him and the inevitable that was bound to happen, happened, and our family found us out.

"Finn!?  When did you get home!?" Poppy asked happily.

"Uncle Finn!" Emma exclaimed, running and jumping into his arms.

"Hey, now there's my best girl!  I've missed you so much, Sweetheart!  Good God, Emma!  I feel like you've grown like six inches since I saw you last!" he exclaimed, kissing her on the top of the head, holding her tight in his arms.  "I just got in just now, actually.  I missed you too, Popsicle.  Jeez, I've got too many girls!  I'm outnumbered!" he said laughing.

"Rory, the place looks beautiful!  And welcome home Finn.  You may have too many girls, but I know they all missed you" mom said, giving hugs.

Finn made the rounds, taking coats from everyone and putting them onto the bed in the guest room.

"Is there anything I can help with, Rory?" Poppy asked, coming up beside me.

"No, I think I've got it under control – oh no, where did I put –" I asked myself, spinning around and scanning the area, before finally finding the potholder I needed to take the green bean casserole from the oven.

"You sure?  I don't mind –" she started as timers were going off.

"No, no, I've got it under control!" I repeated.

"Rory, it smells delicious in here!  Did you make grandmother's stuffing recipe that I sent over?" grandma asked, walking into the room.

"Uh – no – I thought I would try something different this year" I said, starting to get flustered between having multiple timers going off at once, and all of the women in the family standing around me.

"Do you need me to get that?" mom asked, seeing the water for the potatoes about to boil over.

"No, mom, I've got it!" I said, putting the potatoes into the scorching hot water, and then burning myself when the water splashed.

"Are you okay!?  Are you sure there's nothing I can do?  I feel like I should be helping.  Are you sure I can't do something to help?" grandma asked.

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