Chapter 95

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Tests showed that Poppy's gallbladder had shut down, which was causing her to have the painful attack, and so they needed to perform emergency surgery to remove it.  Supposedly, this was a fairly common thing to have happen with this type of cancer, but it could go either one of two ways: 1) it could buy her some time, and some relief, or 2) it could be just the first of many shutdowns.

After she had come through the surgery with flying colors, and after we were told we would need to wait until tomorrow to see her, Finn and his parents all decided we should head over to the hotel across the street and book some rooms.

"Should we book three?" Finnick asked us, wondering if I would need my own room.

"No, I need her with me" Finn said.

"Would your girlfriend be alright with that, Finn?" Evelyn asked in concern.

"I don't care, mum.  I'm not exactly in the right frame of mind to be left alone right now.  So book three if it makes you feel better, but we're only using two" he told her.

Finnick nodded and took out his credit card, handing it to the front desk attendant.

After we were given our keys, we headed upstairs and went to our room.  He dropped heavily on the bed, his hands brought up to his face, and he just started sobbing.

"I can't lose her, Rory.  I can't.  And by God, I really can't lose her on my birthday" he cried.

Not knowing what to do, I came over beside him and laid with him, hugging him tight, and just being there for him as he cried it out until he fell asleep.

**                                **                                **

The next morning I woke up and processed my surroundings, remembering where I was.  I cuddled in closer to Finn, and his arms tightened around me.  "Morning" he whispered in a raspy voice.

"Happy birthday" I whispered, immediately regretting it, realizing this was most likely not going to be a very happy one.  He just laughed slightly; he must've been having the same thought.

"Mom sent me a text an hour ago saying that they've already gone back to the hospital, so we've just got to head over there whenever we're ready.  I guess I'm going to hop in the shower, and then when I'm done with that, we can go" he said.

"We could stop at that little diner down the street and pick up breakfast for everyone on our way; I'm sure none of them have even thought about eating this morning" I told him.

He nodded.  "Yeah, sure.  That's probably a good idea" he said, getting up and I watched him walk into the bathroom.

While he was showering, I made myself presentable and soon we were headed on our way.

**            **            **

We made it to the hospital and Finn texted his mom.  They were already in visiting with Poppy, and so she said they would come out and switch with us, so that Finn and I could come in.  Poppy was only being allowed two visitors at a time, not including Charlie.

Finn stood up as he saw them walk out into the waiting room, and I did the same.  "Good morning" I said to them.  They were both so tired - it didn't look like either of them had slept a wink last night.  "We brought you guys some breakfast!"

"Good morning, dear, and thank you so much!  I was just telling Evelyn how hungry I was, and mad at myself for forgetting to eat this morning!" Finnick said.

I smiled, happy to have been able to do something to help. 

"So she's been awake a little while today, and she seems to be feeling quite a bit better.  She's even getting some of her coloring back" Evelyn said, dabbing her eyes with a Kleenex happily.

"Well, that's progress in the right direction, at least" Finn said, taking a drink of his orange juice.

"She actually seems to be doing really well, better than they expected.  She's not out of the woods yet, but my God that girl's tough" Finnick said proudly.

"Finn, go on and go be with your sister.  She looks good, she awake and alert, making jokes – she's just like normal" Evelyn said.

I smiled and looked at Finn, who could barely contain himself.  "Let's go!" he insisted, taking my hand, ready to pull me along with him, but Evelyn caught my arm. 

"Could you and I talk for a moment, Rory?  I won't be long, I promise" she said and I nodded, not sure what in the world she would want to talk to me about.

"I just wanted to tell you that I can't thank you enough for being here for them, Rory.  You're such a great girl.  I wish like hell Finn will come to his senses and stop it with the girl he's seeing and work harder at getting you back" she said.

This was a conversation I was all too used to having nowadays with anyone who knew the two of us.  "Thank you, I appreciate that so much, but in all honesty, that needs to be the least of his worries right now.  Poppy should be his top priority, not me" I told her.  She smiled, pleased with my response and I looked up to see Finn down the hall, waiting not very patiently for me.

"Go on, go with him.  He looks like he needs you" she said, dismissing me from our conversation.

I began walking down the hall, but he kept going as well - he was going so fast, I basically had to run to keep up.  When he got to her door, he hesitated for a brief moment, and then he rushed into her room.  "Poppy!" he cried, and before I could even blink, he was at her bedside, hugging her tightly.

"Please offer your brother some sort of comfort, Poppy.  He's been worried sick about you - and so have I.  How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"You guys!  I'm fine.  I actually feel really good!  The doctors think this surgery actually helped me in a way, to bypass some of the cancer!  They've actually been talking to me about a study in Texas, at a place called MD Anderson.  It's supposed to be one of the best places to go for this sort of cancer" she said.

"A study!?  Like, as in, there's a chance it could help and a chance it could kill you!?" he exclaimed.

"The doctor said they've actually had quite a lot of success with this study.  Tumors are shrinking, symptoms are disappearing; people are getting their lives back, Finn" Charlie told him.

Finn looked at him in surprise.  "They are?" he whispered.

"They are!  Finn, I already signed the paperwork.  I'm going for my consultation a week from today" Poppy said.

"Poppy, this is a huge risk" Finn said cautiously.

"Yeah, but it's an even bigger risk if I don't take it" she told him.

Finn looked around the room and I nodded, thinking it sounded promising and he sighed.  "Then just tell me where to send my donation checks to, Baby Sister" he said, kissing her on the forehead, and she smiled happily at his acceptance.

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