Chapter 30

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In my new outfit, my pampered self walked into one of the most prestigious restaurants in New York, arm linked to the most eligible bachelor in the city, to meet the parents of the guy I'm dating but not really dating. We gave the name to the maître d' and we were taken to a private table in a quiet area near the back, Poppy was already there, sitting all alone.

"Oh my gosh, Rory, you look beautiful! I have a feeling my big brother had a hand in this?" Poppy asked, jumping up to give me a hug.

I laughed. "Yes, it's got Finn written all over it. He was trying to cheer me up today, and this is the result – hair, nails, massage and shopping. It was a very fun day" I said, smiling at Finn.

"So mum and dad aren't here yet, I take it?" he asked.

Poppy shook her head. "No, not yet" she said.

"I would've come to get you. I don't like the idea of you all alone in the city, especially not now" he said.

"Oh, Big Brother, how I love you" she said sweetly, and then an older couple came to us. The wait staff saw them enter and immediately took our drink orders as soon as they reached the table.

"Finnick! Penelope!" the woman exclaimed, offering hugs.

"Hi, mum!" he said, returning her hug happily. "Dad" he said, shaking hands. It was sweet to see how he interacts with his family. He was more of a family man than I ever gave him credit for.

"And this must be Rory, I'm Evelyn and it's so nice to meet you! Poppy has already told me so much about you, dear! Oh and Finn, she's just radiant. I'm really just so pleased to finally meet you. Your grandparents and I have known each other for a while, I was so sorry to hear of your grandfather's passing" His mom said.

"Thank you, ma'am, it was a shock to us all the day we lost him. He was a very well-liked man" I said.

"That he was, dear. Thank you for accompanying our son to dinner tonight. Knowing that he's starting to settle down and date only one woman was a shock to our systems as well!" his dad said. "I'm Finnick Sr., by the way, but please, feel free to just stick with just calling us Evelyn and Finnick. No need for formalities, I assure you" he said.

I couldn't believe how nice his parents were. Compared to the Huntzbergers, it was like a night and day comparison. "Now you know, Mum and Dad, Rory and I aren't exactly dating. Poppy may have jumped the gun a bit with that report" Finn said with a laugh, taking a drink of his Macallan.

"Oh?" Evelyn asked.

"We're just taking things slowly, mum. Rory has the most beautiful little girl with Logan Huntzberger, and well, she hasn't dated since before Emma was born. And I don't have the best reputation for stability as we all know, so we're just taking it day by day, getting to know each other, and then maybe if I'm lucky enough, she'll agree to go out with me" he said with a wink.

I was a little embarrassed, I wasn't aware that they shared so much as a family. My mom and I share things, of course, but not with the entire family. "It's just that I have more than myself and my own feelings to think about these days. Emma's almost five, and is already really attached to Finn since he's her God father, I just don't want to see either of us get hurt by moving too quickly" I admitted.

"Oh, I'd forgotten Finn's God daughter was your daughter, how special! And I can't say that I blame you one bit for being cautious of Finn's promiscuous behavior. I have no idea where that side of him came from, but from the sounds of it, he's settled down quite a lot" Evelyn said.

"A lot a lot. He has not gone out to party at all, has not brought home any random girls, and to be honest, I think this may be the first time I've even seen him touch a glass of scotch since I've been here. He has only talked about Rory and Emma, about spending time with Rory and Emma, and about all of the ways he wants to spoil them. He's just happier than I've ever seen him before" Poppy said with a smile.

"Wow" I said, not sure how to feel.

"Well, I for one think it's a very noble thing to put your daughter ahead of your love life. You always have to do what's best to protect your family, but just remember not to be so blindsided by protecting her, and forget to let happiness in" Finnick said, which made a lot of sense.

"Did you know he's taking Rory and Emma to Disneyland tomorrow!? It's a dream Rory's had, to take Emma, because Emma's always wanted to go. And our Finn is making that happen for them. Is that not the sweetest thing you've ever heard him do!?" Poppy exclaimed.

Evelyn smiled and I took a sip of wine, trying to hide my emotions. His family obviously loves him despite his flaws, and from the sound of it, everything has changed. All of the things I was worried about – thinking he'd want to be going out all the time, drinking all the time, him not being able to stay faithful to one seems as if he's already been proving me wrong this whole time and we're not even really together...

"So enough bombarding this poor girl, tell us about you and Charlie, Poppy! How have you two been? Any baby news on the horizon?" Evelyn asked.

Poppy swallowed hard, Finn and I exchanged sullen glances, and none of us wanted to speak.

"What's going on?" Finnick asked.

"I'm afraid I can't get pregnant, Mum. At least not for a long time" Poppy whispered. I watched as Finn held her hand in his as she spoke.

I could see the questions in Finnick and Evelyn's faces, but none of which could have prepared them for the blow that Poppy was about to deliver next.

"I have cancer" she whispered with tears in her eyes.

Evelyn and Finnick exchanged looks of sheer terror as they processed their daughter's words. "No, that can't be...there must be some mistake!" Finnick demanded.

Poppy shook her head and Finn spoke up. "I was with her when they gave her the results...sadly there was no mistake. I saw the reports, and the's sickeningly real" he whispered.

"My poor baby! What type of cancer is it!?" Evelyn asked, hugging her daughter tightly.

"It's called Cholangiocarcinoma, but in other words, it's cancer of my bile duct. It's extremely rare and hard to beat...I was told that most people don't make it longer than a year, but I'm determined to kick ass and beat it" she said.

I looked at Finn in shock when she said one year. ONE YEAR!? I had no idea.

"What stage is the cancer in, Poppy?" Finnick asked directly.

She and Finn took a collective deep breath and he squeezed her hand. "Stage four" she whispered, tears falling.

No...this wasn't good at all! We needed a miracle! Poppy was an amazing person with an amazing spirit! She's so sweet and full of life – so energetic and lovable! Of all people to deserve something like this, she was definitely not on the list. Finn couldn't lose his sister – not in a year, and not in ten years. She was a humungous part of his life, and he would be absolutely devastated to lose her. He can't lose her...

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