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The whole class erupted in applause as Xander played our master piece.

"Impressive Mr. O'neill." The professor said. Xander sat next to me.

"So your last name is O'neill?" I asked.

"Yes it is honey." He said.

"Mr. O'neill, who was the girl on the track? She has a wonderful voice." The professor asked. I tensed up a little. I assumed Xander felt my discomfort from the question.

"Uh it was a friend from high school. She went back to school in uh Oxford, England." You're good Young.

"My friend is a producer for Epic Records. This song way too brilliant for him not to hear it." The professor ran off to call her friend.

"So I live in England now?" I asked.

"Yes." He laughed. "I'm giving you your credit like you needed it without leaking your name. We should make more songs together Robin."

"Robin?" I questioned?

"You're the Robin to my Batman." He said.

"So I'm the sidekick?"

"Uh-" he said. I laughed.

"I'm kidding Batman. Plus the pet name is cute." I grabbed my bag and laptop. "See you later?"

"Yes you will Robin."

"Later Batman." I walked out of the classroom. I had thirty minutes until my last class so I stopped at the bookstore's Starbucks for an Iced Coffee.

"Can I get a Venti Iced Carmel Macchiato with extra cream and sweeter?" I handed the barista $5.

"Tiana." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Nolan.

"What?" I grabbed my iced coffee.

"A hello would be nice."

"Oh hell no. Ask one of many of your girlfriends to say hello to you." I was being nice. I pushed past him out of the bookstore.

"Wait Tiana. I just want to talk."


"When are you free? I want to hangout again." He grabbed my hand. I snatched it away from him.

"I'm never free for you. I don't associate with players." I'm heated.

"I'm not a player."

"Oh really Nolan? What do you call a guy who dry humps three girls last night, kisses another one, and walk upstairs with another all at one party? Yea I was there. I left when you kissed girl number four. Lauren told me about your sex adventures." I walked away.

"Tiana wait."

"Wait for you? Nope. You finally found a girl who doesn't give up her coochie just for a jock with a pretty face. I knew this shit will happen but you know what, I'm glad I caught you in the act because I know how dumb I am when I'm around an attractive guy. Now would you excuse me, I have fifteen minutes to make it to the other side of campus for my creative writing class."


"Now would you excuse me, I have fifteen minutes to make it to the other side of campus for my creative writing class." I watched her flip her long straight hair and her curvy hips sway as she sped walk to her class. I called the only man who knew how to get out of shit with his girl.


"Dad are you busy right now?"

"Just got out of a meeting, why wassup?"

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