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This is probably gonna be the first time I'll ever be this serious within this book but Imma lay down some facts. I'm a very playful person, like fr I write my personality into the characters especially T. But, I'm insecure as fuck. With how I look, my school work and definitely this book. When someone corrects me on spelling and shit when I specifically say "not edited" it kind of hurts my feelings a little. I already think both of my books are shit I don't need your criticism. At this point just stop reading if you have nothing nice to say. Also I know I've stated this before, I don't write music. None of the songs are mine. Don't tell me that I need to cite songs (fr I need to before I catch a lawsuit). Like bitch you know who songs they are.... ard I'm done being angry and shit. I'm not gonna @ them bc that would be rude and if they gotta problem, they take up with me in my PM tbh. NOT EDITED (I even put it in caps so you can see it)
Snapchat by Nolan

 NOT EDITED (I even put it in caps so you can see it)-------------------Snapchat by Nolan

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I've been up to my neck with work. If I wasn't in college writing bull shit ass papers, I'm in the studio trying to put my album together. The record label said because I'm well known now, we can skip the EP and go straight into the album. I'm stressed to the point I wanna shave my head like Brittney Spears.

I've been back in LA for the past month and I'm exhausted.

"Tiana I'm here." Nolan's voice echoed through out my apartment. I was multitasking between an essay for Philosophy and writing a new song. He found me sitting at the piano. I can smell that he just got out of practice. With his musty ass. "Babe, take a break." He shut down my laptop and pushed it away.

"I can't. My essay is due by 12 tonight and I only have three paragraphs down. Plus I told Sean that I will have the song done by 10." It was currently 4 pm.

"Here let me write the rest of your paper." He said.

"Hell no, your dumb ass is gonna make me fail."

"We're in the same class T, and I have an A in the class. Just go lay down for a little bit. I'll write it."

"Say no more." I stood up and went to my room.

"Do it now, lick it good, suck this pussy just like you should." I woke up to my phone ringing. I knew it was either Sean or Lauren.

"Hello." I mumbled.

"Where's the song?" Sean asked. I looked at my phone. 8:52.

"Boy I have an hour to give it to you. Chill out." I said with aggravation. He was really about to get the shit slapped out of him.

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