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A/n: I lied. This isn't the last chapter. The next one is. This chapter isn't long enough to be the last chapter. Not edited.
Snap by Tiana

——————————Snap by Tiana

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A/n: Im proud of that... hit me up for manips lol...
2 years later


I watched T jam out on stage with her band. She had the biggest smile on her face while she was free styling while the crowd chanted her name.

"You see mommy Blair." I had my two year old daughter on my shoulders.

"Go mommy." She cheered.

"We're backstage with Tiana Harrison's hoe, I mean boyfriend, Nolan." My mom said. She was interviewing in Boston for her radio show. "Relax the camera isn't on."

"Ma Stop playing." I tried to shoo her away.

"Grandma." Blair held her arms out for my mom.

"Little girl, I told you to stop calling me that. I'm too young to be called that." She grabbed Blair from my shoulders. She had a point, she's 37 with a grand child.

"Daddy said to." Blair shrugged. My mom looked up at me.

"What? You're my mother and I had a child. That's text book definition of grandparent." I shrugged.

"Why are in Boston anyways? Don't you have a game today?"

"Had." I corrected. "And it was in New England. I had Aunt Kendall fly Blair out here. I wanted to surprise T."

"Are you going to finally put a ring on her finger? Poor girl only has been waiting for six in a half years." I'm surprised she didn't dump me yet.

"Yes." Blair ratted me out. She even took out the ring out of her pocket. My mom grabbed the ten thousand dollar ring.

"Ohh that's a fat ring. I wished my husband gave a fat engagement ring like this."

"Ma, your ring was fat as fuck. I would know, I propose to you with it." She laughed.

"I'm glad you found the right one who loves your simple ass." Mom kissed my cheek.

"And I'm glad dad loves your mean ass."

"Alright Boston, Imma slow it down for you. This song is from my very first album." Tiana said as she switched from her electric guitar to her acoustic. "This one is called All That Matters. If you know it sing along." Blair sung along to the song.

I grabbed Blair out of my mom's arms. "Alright kid, you remember the plan?" I looked into her greenish/grayish eyes.

"Give mommy a kiss." She giggled.

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