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A/N: it's been a while. Lately, I've been too busy hitting milestones. I've turned 18 a week ago, had my last day of high school, brought my first pack of cigarettes, and graduated yesterday. The only reason why I'm posting rn is because I laid in bed all day and had nothing better to do. So here's a chapter. And like always, I didn't proof read.



"I'm surprised that Mac didn't bite you yet. Mac hates everyone that who isn't me." Tiana said. We were chilling in her room. She sat Indian style on her bed eating pineapples while I was sitting in a chair by her desk petting Mac while he was sleeping on my lap.

"I had a dog back home in LA."


"One of my mom's drivers ran him over in the driveway."

"That's so unfortunate." She snickered.

"What so funny?" I laughed with her. "My best friend was killed by mom."

"You said it so nonchalantly."


"So Mr. Nolan, what do you want to do?"

"What is there to do around in NewYork, you know besides Broadway and going to that ferris wheel in Toys R Us? I haven't been her in a long time sorry."

"No joke." I snickered. "We can go bowling."

"Then lets go bowling."


"Nolan, how am I still beating you and you have the gates up?"

"Shhh. Keep it down. I don't want people to know I suck at bowling."

"Pussy." She mumbled.

"What was that?" I said. I pulled my pants up to my chest. "If you talking shit just letting you know that these hands are rate E for everyone." I got into fighting stance.

"Boy stop. It's your turn." I grabbed ball and walked up to the lane. I took a deep breath and rolled. I got three pins down.

"I quit." I said. "It's my turn." She rolled and got a strike. "How?"

"When I was little and my parents were at work, my grandmother watched my brothers and I. Instead of watching her cook, which was boring, she would take us here and teach us how to bowl since she was on a team." She picked up my bowling ball. "Your turn." I took her bowling ball. As soon I was about to roll, there was a flash.

"T, did you just-" I turned around and there was a guy with a camera behind us. "Shit."

"What's wrong?" She questioned.

"Put your shoes on." I said.

"Are you gonna tell me-"

"There's a dude behind us with a camera. I'm guessing he's a pap. We should go before there some story on the internet about you cheating on Xander." We started to put our shoes on. I grabbed her hand and guided her outside. There was a swarm of paparazzi out here. "How? I'm not even famous?"

"Are you two the next big thing?" One reporter asked.

"Did you and Xander call it quits?" Another one asked.

"Are you a cheater?" Another asked.

Tiana had a blank expression on her face. Her face turned red with embarrassment. She was shaken with fear. Then there was one thing I remembered. Her stage fright. Damnit.

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