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A/n: as promised :) I didn't proof read like always lol.

"Why are you so cute Xander?" He just sent me a teddy bear. We were talking through FaceTime.

"Oh it's nothing, just a little I miss you gift." Freshman year is over and we all went back home. Xander went on tour and his new album should be released in the next few months. Me on the other hand is chilling, writing music for myself.

"Aw babe I miss you too."

"How's New York?"

"I'm glad to be around the Italians again, with the good ass pizza."

"Isn't Lo Italian?"

"Yes she is. Her dad owns his own restaurant. Family dinners their family and my family is interesting."

"Interesting how?"

"You can't have black people and Italians together in the same room. All we do is scream and yell." Xander laughed.

"I wish I could say the same with my family. I grew up an only child. All my dad does is talk about how much he loves Donald Trump."


"No worries though, he isn't a bigot. I don't even know why he voted for him. I Voted for Bernie."

"Bernie left the ballot."

"I didn't care. I wrote Feel the Bern all over Beverly Hills."

"Xander the car is waiting for us for your interview." Eric said. "Hey Tiana."

"Hello Eric. I'm going to let you go for your interview. Have fun babe."

"Thanks babe." We hung up. I got a Snapchat from Nolan.

 I got a Snapchat from Nolan

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