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Some of yall were hella eager 💀
Here's another chapter by yours truly. And I didn't proof real like always


"Hey T, Are you in LA?" I heard sniffling through the other side of the line. "Tiana?" I questioned.

"He fucking cheating on me. I can't go to that man tomorrow and sing a song about how much he meant so much about me." She cried.

"Where are you at?"

"I'm walking into a Shake Shack on Hollywood Boulevard in order to drown my sorrows in chocolate milkshakes and bacon cheese fries."

"Stay there, I'm picking you up." I threw on some sweat pants and a Nike shirt. I went to the kitchen to look for the keys to my car.

"What's the rush." My mom had Jaden on her hip and held up my keys with her free hand.

"Mom remember how I told you about Xander O'neill, release everything. Photos, videos, anything. She found out."

"And are you going to kill him? I could do that. That was a sweet girl and I love exposing cheaters."

"No, I'm getting her from Shake Shack."

"Ooh bring me back some cheese fries." She tossed me my keys and I sped off into Hollywood.

I arrived at Shake Shack. I saw T sitting into the corner of the restaurant writing ferociously in her song book.


"Hey how does this sound? If you wanna talk we can talk about it
But really there ain't nothing left to figure out
And if you wanna stop put your figures down." She bit down on her cheesy fry. Her tears were gone by then. She wrote her feelings in her book.

"Are you singing that for Sean's dad?" She nodded.

"I didn't want to cry while singing a love song so I'm writing song about him being an immature bastard."

My phone vibrated.

Lo: I fucking knew it!!! I'm flying to LA to kick his ass.

She sent a screen shot of my mom's article if Xander.

No: Lauren, let her handle it. She's writing a song for this record producer and she can't get distracted.

Lo: that's my girl. Put her emotions into song form.

"Why don't I order more food for us to eat and we head to your hotel." She nodded.

My whole damn car smells like Shake Shack. Burgers, chicken, hot dogs, fries. It's gonna be a pain in the ass carrying up all this food upstairs. After we got to her hotel room, I meant penthouse, I took the food out of every container. I was ready to grub. I missed my Shake Shack.

I heard a bang come from the other room.

Almost Shake Shack.

"T?" I walked into the bedroom. She smashed a lamp. I looked down at the lamp then at her. She looked like she was about to breakdown any minute. I hugged her as my ears drowned in her sobs.

"I can't sing like this." She said. I guided her to the bed and had her sit in my lap as she cried on my shoulder. "Did you know he had a girlfriend the whole time and used me to write his songs?"

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