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A/n: this has to be the most corniest chapter I've ever written. P.s I'm very excited for Justine's album next month. Not edited.

Instagram by Tiana

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Titiharrison: who told my momma to look this good ? 👀👀👀

Nxlanrxbinsxn: T, Your momma is a milf😛

Titiharrison: @nxlanrxbinsxn bye 🙄



"Z100 radio backstage at the interview lounge with the beautiful, lovely and talented Miss. Tiana Harrison." Maxwell my interview introduced me. "Or should I say Robinson." I laughed.

"Not yet." I said into my microphone.

"How is your first jingle ball going for you?"

"It's going very well. I met Post Malone before I came here. It was unreal."

"Are we expecting a collaboration with you two?" He asked.

"Honestly, I would be honored to be on a track with him."

"We'll you got your start on Xander O'nell's track earlier this year." I nodded. "And let me just say, you've had one hell of a year this year with winning Best New Artist at the VMAs."

"I thought I was dreaming when I won that award. They had me in a category with Khalid and that boy is freaking talented."

"So tell me, what are we expecting from you in the future, besides a proposal from your boo Nolan."

"Expect an album and possibly a tour in the near future. The tour is probably gonna happen after I graduate college."

"Right you're currently attending UCLA. How are you managing your classes and your career?"

"Make a planner with your priorities of the day and have a reliable manager who reminds you of events. Shout out Sean." I turned to Sean in the background and waved to him.

"How would you describe your album in terms of genre and sound?"

"Hmm..." I had to think about the answer. "Mainly R&B, definitely, with a little bit of hip hop and pop. This album I'm putting out is definitely like my dairy that is filled with my personal feelings in there. You're just gonna learn more about me than just what you hear in news, interviews and on social media."

"Last question because I know you have to get ready for performance in thirty minutes, what is your secret of being an artist?"

"Being able to be versatile and keep growing as an artist. My grandfather always told me to open my mind and keep growing because you're not gonna get any where when you're doing the same stuff. When I mastered the piano at age 7, I went to learn guitar and mastered it at 9, then I started singing."

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