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A/n: I should be studying for these finals but I decided that writing a trash ass chapter while listening to Sam Smith was more important. Not proof read.
Instagram by Nolan

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Nxlanrxbinsxn: bruh my whole profile is off guards of this beautiful soul... love you chicken little 😊💜

Titiharrison: luv you too turkey ass ...💜💜💜


I woke up with the biggest headache, with the sun shining in my face.

"Shit." I held my head.

"My god Tiana, I will never let you drink like that again." Sean came up and hugged me.

"Ok get off of me." Him hugging me tight like that made my headache worse. A few minutes later a nurse came in checking my head and my bruises. How did these get there?

"You suffered a mild concussion." The nurse said.

"How?" I asked.

"When your ass tripped over your damn feet and busted your head on the counter then the floor." Sean said. It's way too quiet. The nurse handed me ibuprofen and some water. She walked out.

"Wait where's Nolan?"

"Jail." Sean said nonchalantly.

"What? He's gonna get kicked off his team for having a police record Sean. We have to get him out of there." I felt a sharp pain in my head. I hissed, held my head and laid back down.

"Relax, T. It was self defense. My dad is working on getting him out right now."

"Why did he get in there?"

"Some boy tried take you back to his place and rape you. He pushed Nolan and you know what happened next." I knew I should had slowed down the shots.

The door flew open. Nolan had an attitude from hell. His hair wasn't done, he had on a black sweat shirts and basketball shorts on, basketball sock and some nike slides on. He had bruises on his fists. Jesus my baby looks hot.

"Tiana." He said he walked towards me.

"Time to go." Sean slick ass ran out the hospital room.

Nolan kissed my lips. "I'm glad you're ok." He relaxed a little. "Please don't drink like that ever again."

"Trust me, with this hangover, never again." I pat the spot next me on the hospital bed. "Baby I'm sorry you had go through that shit."

"Don't be sorry. You resisted and stood your ground last night. When I saw him grip your arms like that, I lost it. Believe me this isn't any jealousy shit." I kissed his lips.

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