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A/n: fuck Fall and this bipolar ass weather. It was ok this morning. It's brick out there with this cold ass rain. I was contemplating if I wanted to leave my dorm... here's a short ass chapter that isn't edited.

P.s I wrote this in English and got yelled at for not paying attention but to my defense I'm usually sleeping.
Instagram by Nolan

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Nxlanrxbinsxn: ☺💜


I knocked on her bedroom door. I heard sniffling.

"Tiana open up." I said. I heard a crash at her door. I guessing she just threw something. I picked the lock with one of her bobby-pins that was on the kitchen table. When the door was opened, her room looked a hot mess. Guilt automatically took over me.

"Go away." She mumbled into her pillows. Her hair was all over the place and she was laying in just in her underwear and bra.

"I brought buffalo wings as an apology." I held up the box.

"Leave the chicken on my bed side table then leave." She mumbled. I sat the box on her bed side table and got into bed with her. She moved out of bed.

"Babe can we talk about this? I took things way out control."

"You think?" She said. I pat the spot next to me. She rolled her eyes and sat next me. I wrapped my arms. "Your jealousy is starting to piss me off."

"I know, but that whole kissing a whole other dude doesn't sit well with me."

"You having hoes in your phone doesn't sit too well with me."

"To be honest, I forgot their numbers on my phone. I scroll past them to see if you texted or called. You and mom because she will shoot my ass if I don't pick up."

"Yea mothers do psycho if you don't answer their text."

"I do trust you Tiana. I just trust others around you. I reported a dude the other day just putting heart eyes under your Instagram picture."

"Other people who tries to flirt with me gets ignored. I have you and only you." I kissed her forehead.

"You know, no disrespect, your hair looks like a tumbleweed." I put my hands through her soft hair.

"Shut up, I know." She laughed.

"So we're cool?" She pulled me for a kiss. "I'll take that as a yes."

After she ate her food, she went to take a shower. Some on knocked on her door. I opened her door.

"Wassup Sean." I dapped him up. I stepped off to the side so he could walk in.

"Did my plan work?"

"I'm still living right?"

"Good you're here. Where's princess at?"

"In the shower."

"Good. I got something for you." He took a script out of his gucci backpack. He handed to me.

"All That Matters. Bruh this is the script that got me in trouble." I handed it back.

"Bitch read it." He handed it back. I opened it.

"Tiana walks in half naked." I skimmed the first couple of lines. A particular line stood out. "Nolan walks in." I was in shocked. "Sean you didn't."

"I did because I'm tired of yall bitches crying. You're a jealous bitch and she's butt hurt because you're a jealous bitch, but at the end of the day I ship y'all relationship. Besides, I wouldn't want my man kissing up on another man in front of a jillion of people. I convinced the shit out of my dad to put you in the video."

"Sean." I hugged him.

"Ok bro get off of me before your girl get jealous." He smirked. I pulled away. Tiana walked out in my tee shirt and sweats.

"Hey princess." Sean said. "I got a revised script for your music video." She rolled her eyes and snatched the script and read it. I watched her scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. She reread it again out loud then dropped the script.

"Sean you did this?" She asked. He nodded.

"This is more of an apology for always being a bitch and nagging you all the time." He said.

"Awe Seanie." She went to go hug him. "Don't worry about that. You had a job to fulfill. I'm sorry for flipping out on you. My ass was just stressed the fuck out."

They pulled away from each other. "Now, I know yall have some make up the lost days of sex. Imma get out of y'all hair and don't get her pregnant." We dapped each other. "And rehearsals starts Monday after your soccer game. Don't be late." Sean said and walked out the door.

"Well everything worked itself out. I hate  fighting with you." I said. "I mean I have mixed emotions because you're sexy when you're mad." I bit my lip and she lightly shoved me.

"I hate fighting with you too. It drains me emotionally as you can see." She gestured to her messy room. I my hands found their way on her hips. Her arms found their way around my neck.

"I swear babe, I'm not going work on being protective and not being jealous."

"You better because next time I'm cutting you if you ever try to control me like you're my dad." She was dead ass.

"Yes ma'am." I lifted her up.

"Now we haven't had sex in two days. I want to dominate that ass right now." She rolled her eyes and kissed me.



Yes this chapter is short asf because I couldn't stand my ship being away from each other any longer. Christian cheated on Jay and within a couple chapters they were back together.Yall really thought I would have another dude kiss T? Nah fam I had plans from the jump.

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