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Bae needs to stop playing and grow his hair back .

Bae needs to stop playing and grow his hair back

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I can't even lie, but Justine is pretty af . 💀

Not edited.

I woke up with the biggest headache ever. I sat up and checked my surroundings. This was my bed. Sean was knocked next to me. I was wearing a large black tee shirt. Shit who took me home? I don't remember shit.

I had the sudden urge to vomit. I ran to my bathroom and threw up in the toilet.
I felt Sean move my hair out of the way and rub my back.

"Let it all out girl." He said. After I was done and cleaned up, I made some coffee.

"Sean what happened last night?" I asked. The apartment was dark due to all of the curtains closed. The only light was the very dimmed lights of my apartment.

"You got drunk and your boyfriend caught you drunk off your ass." I was confused.

"I told you I broke up with Xander."

"Bitch, I wasn't talking about Xander's crack head looking ass." He took a sip of his orange juice.

"No." I said in disbelief.

"He was a gentleman, he didn't take advantage of you in your drunken state. Took your drunk ass to the back of the club, you cussed him out, then you blacked out on his lap. He took both of us home. More like I walked my semi tipsy ass here while he carried your ass." I rolled my eyes. "I said one shot, not a thousand shots. I'm surprised that you didn't get alcohol poisoning."

"I remember you saying 'if you're living on your own, making your own money, then you're old enough.' You didn't say anything about the amount I was drinking."

"I told you to slow down on your third shot. You were drunk by then with your lightweight ass." He looked through his phone. "Be ready in an hour, you have a photo shoot." He opened the curtains.

"Shit Sean." I covered my eyes.

"Just prepping you for them camera lights."


"That's a wrap everyone." The photographer said. Thank god because they cranked up the AC and I'm freezing in this bathing suit.

Sean was sitting down by the food on my phone.

"Sean why do you have my phone?"

"Because you have Apple Music. I also hacked your snap,Twitter, and Gram and texted your mom." I snatched my phone out of his hands and read the text messages between my mom and him.

Momma Dukes : the store is having a sale on bras. I'm shipping you some in the mail. Double A right?

Little Big Me 👑: I believe I'm a B cup mom, can you invest in some push up bras?

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