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A/n: sorry I've been MIA for the past couple of weeks. I've been super busy. Not have I've been busy af but I had writers block, but that got solved because I've got a partner in crime to bounce Ideas off of. A special thanks to @indigoclifford for putting up with me and I look forward into forming a beautiful friendship/partnership with cha. (Lol aka I'll enjoy annoying you). Any whore, ignore mistakes up in this jawnski and I'll edit this shit later. Enjoy home skillets :)


I was in the library studying for my math 101 final.

"Shit." I heard a familiar voice say. I heard paper crumbling. They threw the paper ball at my table. I looked over at a frustrated Tiana. I grabbed the paper ball and walked towards her.

"Tiana?" I called her name. She looked up and growled a little bit.

"What?" I held my hands up for surrender.

"I just wanted to know if you're ok."

"I'm just peachy." She had a sarcastic smile on her face. "You're free to go."

"You're obviously not." I opened the paper ball.

"No wait don't read that." She tried to reach for it out of my hand but I moved my body so she couldn't reach it.

"Is this a song you're writing?"

"Yes, it's for my creative writing final. I'm supposed write a poem or a song." She sighed. I read into the lyrics.

"T, this is beautiful."

"No it's not, it's trash. I hate it."

"Tiana, this song is beautiful. Finish it and turn it in."

"The song is all over the place."

"The song is about you wanting someone to open up to you, hence what the title "No Filter" means." She nodded.

"I've been dating this boy for about a month now, and ever since the day we started dating, we have been closed off."

"Why is that?"

"He went from having 800 followers on Instagram to 550k and a verified sign next to his name. And this is because of the songs I've written for him."

"You wrote every one of his songs?"

"Well not the first one. I wrote his whole EP except for bad things."

"That's why I liked his music that much. Is that you on some of his tracks?" She nodded. "I thought you had stage fright?"

"I do, I just keep my identity a secret."

"I just want you to pursue your dream becoming a superstar like you deserved to be."

"I don't need to become a superstar. I can't even talk to people without stuttering like an idiot."

"The past couple of conversations we had, you didn't stutter. You yelled at me pretty clearly." She laughed.

"I'm sorry for that. You just made me mad."

"Make a deal with me. If that song gets a 100% and I get an 85% on my math final, and I suck at math, then preform it in front of people." I held my hand out for a deal.

"You want me to...hell no."

"T, I believe you can do it. You can even rehearse in front of me." She was deep in thought. She sighed.


"And don't try to make it trash. Put your best effort into it."

"And drop my GPA hell yea I'll put my 100% into this song."

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