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A/n : I wrote this in a hour. It's hella rough but It'll do. Edit it later along with the other 17 chapters of this story and 36 chapters of My Bad Ass White Boy....


I've never been so attracted to a girl devouring 20 buffalo wings in 10 minutes. As small as T is, she can eat.

For our date I took her to the Carnival because why the hell not. It's entertaining and romantic. I'm smart as fuck.

"T, you got a little..." I wiped some buffalo sauce off of the side her lip.

"Thank you." She threw her last chicken bone down and used some wet wipes for her hands.

So far we've been here for two hours and rode some rides. I won her a big teddy bear for playing basketball. She also won me a big blue monkey from her playing guitar hero.

We threw our trash away. "Where to next mi lady." I put my arm around her shoulder.

"What about go karts." She said. She's totally unfazed by the wings she just ate.
I only had three chicken fingers and some fries. I was expecting her to get a salad. No sexist shit either. She loves her chicken Cesar salads though.

"You're about get your ass kicked babe. I'm showing no mercy." I said.

"Or really." She took a step back from me and crossed her arms.

"Yes really babe."

"Wanna place a little bet on it since you wanna run your mouth?" She said.

"Loser gives winner head." I had to say the first thing that came to my mind. She was shocked.

"Fine." She said. She said what?

"You agreed?" I asked. "I was just kidding T. I can just buy you more buffalo wings."

"No, I like idea." She smirked. I bet she tastes like apple pie. I don't know why I thought of apple pie, but she probably tastes sweet. What the hell is going with my mind right now? "Unless you aren't comfortable with it?"

"No, God no. You're such an introvert, I thought you didn't know what a dick was." I joked. She chuckled.

"Please, didn't they tell you that the quiet ones are always the freakiest?" My eyes widen. She's a freak?

"You've gave head before?"

"Nolan, I had sex once before. It wasn't good sex. Very uncomfortable sex, but it was sex." Dude must had a small dick.

"So let me get this straight, you gave head before?" She nodded. "And had sex?" She nodded again.

"I caught him cheating the next day. I don't even count it as loosing my virginity." She said nonchalantly. "Enough about my sex life. Let's race." We handed the go kart people our tickets. We got into our separate karts.

"Remember T, don't use teeth when you give me my blow job." I said and wink.

"Shut up loser." We strapped in.

"Ready, set." The dude had the flag. "Go." He flailed the flag. Tiana sped past me. Oh hell no. I drove past other people in the race. I was behind her during most of the race. It was the last lap and we neck and neck.

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