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A/n: Hola, como estás?
Yo escribo un capítulo.

Aren't you proud of my Spanish? I got a B+ in it. Google translate wasn't needed for those two sentences. I promise 😉😂

Here's a wack ass chapter from your favorite wack ass author who can't even update within a week or proof read her shit. Enjoy.


"Were you serious when you said you're falling in love with me?" I asked her. She nodded.

"There were a few people that tried to break me out of my shell. My parents, Lo, and you. You were with me the whole way through when my own boyfriend wasn't. I fell in love with you before the whole break up. I would have done something about it but I hate hurting people." I moved a strain of her curls out of her face.

"I find that ironic because I'm in love with you too. It kind of happened when you sung to me. I couldn't get you're pure voice out my head. The way your eyes filled with passion when you sing is beautiful and I want the whole world to see it." I caressed her cheek. "T, I hate the fact that I hurt you in the past. I promise, with all my heart that I will never hurt you again, unless it's me smacking your ass." She rolled her eyes.

"You just had to-." I interrupted her by kissing her. She was shocked at first but gave in after a couple of seconds. She repositioned herself on top of me.

My hands landed on her small waist as her hands played in my hair. I loved the way her small hands were playing in my hair. I licked her bottom lip, asking for an entrance which she happily granted me. I pulled away.

"You're mine." I said.

"Way to ask me to be your girl, but yes I'm yours." She smiled. "Now," she got up off of me. "Let play some soccer. One on one." She said picking up my soccer ball.

"One on one? You want to play me in soccer?" My cockiness was showing.

"Yes I do. We'll play for what to watch on Netflix. I'm in the mood for Lilo and Stitch tonight." She spun the ball on her finger.

"And I want to watch Chicken Little but are you sure you want to go against the best soccer player in Cali, because girlfriend or not, I show no mercy." I said.

"Bring it on big head." She held her hand out.

"What are we? Friends?" I pulled her into my body and gave her a quick kiss. We walked in the middle of backyard. "First one who scores, gets to pick a movie." She threw the ball up in the air and watched it carefully before it hit the ground and we both cashed after it. I beat her to the ball and started kicking it towards the goal. I had to give T some credit, she was doing great as a defender. I kicked it towards the goal and missed.

"How did you missed that?" She said. Well I don't know T maybe you're beauty is distracting me. She had the ball. I watched her dribble it down the backyard. She had a determined look on her face. I was right in front of her trying to steal the ball from her.

"Give up yet, babe?" She called me.

"That sounds so sexy coming from your mouth." She went right. I followed her until I her go left. I tripped over my two feet. Damnit, she made me break my ankles. I watched her kicked the ball into the goal.

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