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whenever my ass has takis, I tend to write. This chapter took me a few days to write. I didn't intend on doing that. It was like bumble fuck o'clock when I was writing and I ended up falling asleep or getting distracted with Family Guy. I didn't edit it either...enjoy.

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---------------Instagram by Nolan

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Liked by Titiharrison, Loloxo, and 50,412 others

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Liked by Titiharrison, Loloxo, and 50,412 others

Nxlanrxbinsxn: she promised me a birthday lap dance... the funny thing is, it's her birthday 🤷🏼‍♂️ lol jkay. Happy 19th baby. I swear I have something planned for you tn. 😉😬 @Titiharrison

Titiharrison: I really hate you for posting these lol. I looked hella stiff but thanks baby boy 😘💜...



"If your love was all I had, in this life. Well that would be enough, until the end of time." I was singing along to Tiana's Spotify that I left on shuffle. I was currently cooking her birthday breakfast while Sleeping Beauty is sleeping like Nightmare on Elm street.

I flipped one of the pancakes. I felt arms around my body. "I smelled food, I had to wake up." She said while placing kisses on my bare back.

"It was supposed to be a surprise babe." I whined.

"Jeez, I'm sorry." She held her hands up in surrender. "I'll take my happy ass back to bed." She took a piece of bacon and walked back into her room.

I finally finished after thirty minutes and three burnt pancakes. Momma never taught me how to make pancakes. I just hope Tiana won't choke on these. I opened her bedroom door holding the tray. She was sleeping wildly like always. She's so cute.

I shook her shoulder. "Babe." I said. Nothing. "Baby." I tapped again. I sat tray down and got into bed with her. I pulled her into me and kissed her. She kissed back immediately. Her soft hands picked at the hair on the back of my neck. She was driving me crazy.

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