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I'm in hella pain rn. I got my wisdom teeth out on Friday. All four of them. And my shits were so impacted, they were attached to my jaw. Ig they scraped my damn jaw too. So not only does my gums hurt, my whole fucking head hurts. Percocets helps. A lot.

Anywhore, since I've been bed ridden for two days, here's an not proof read chapter. Enjoy :)



I woke to the sound of my phone vibrating.

"Hello." I said without even looking at the caller id.

"My dad loves your song." Some dude said. I walked into my closet.

"Who is this?"

"Seanie baby." It was 7:30 in the morning. I'm clueless in the morning. Meaning it was 4:30 am in California.

"Hey Sean." I yawned. "Wait your dad liked song?"

"Yes. He sent it to to the radio station in LA and the DJs loved it. He wants you to come to LA  and sing another song. Did you write more?"

"I have plenty of songs. Wait, I only have enough money to go there in August for school."

"He got you a private jet and a hotel. Everything is covered. Just show up tomorrow with your new song."

"Ok." We hung up. He sent me the address to the hotel, the room, and what time to meet him and my flight. Which was at 5 pm. I heard a knock on my closet door.

"T, are you ok?" Nolan asked. His voice was deep and raspy. It was cute.

Tiana you have a boyfriend

I can't help being attracted to Nolan. I had a crush on him since I started attending UCLA. The reason why I hugged him last night because I had the urge to kiss him. I feel like I'm cheating on Xander with these thoughts.

I opened the door. "Yea. Sean called me. His dad liked the song I recorded. He wants to meet up tomorrow at LA."

"Damn T. I'm proud of you." He hugged me. I would hug him back but all I'm thinking about is boner that I can feel through his underwear that was pressed against my leg. "Wait what time is your flight?"

"Five. I need to get started on this song."

"Don't you think it's a little early for that?"



I heard my bed room door fly open.

"And what the hell are y'all nasties doing?" Tyler barged in.

"Sleeping." I pulled the covers over my head.

"I can see that. Why is he naked." I opened my eyes.

"He's wearing underwear. Now get the hell out."

"I'm guessing y'all don't want breakfast." Nolan threw his shirt on and ran downstairs. I was about to get up but Ty trapped me down in my bed. "If I catch his dick up on and in you, I'm killing him. He will not be touching my baby sister." He said.

"Ty, are you forgetting that one I'm a grown woman who can care for herself and two that I'm older than you? Now move so I can eat." I pulled his ear. He hissed and got up off me.


"Thank your breakfast Mrs. Harrison." Nolan as he sipped on his orange juice.

"Call me Tanya and no problem." My mom said.

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