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1. Posting this chapter on Sunday as promised. No roasting me in the comments.
2. This chapter had to be the hardest shit I've ever written in this whole story. I had mad writers block. So here I say thank you to indigoclifford for helping me conquer this chapter, even though she might roast me within this chapter.
3. Don't be surprised if there's some typos, grammatical errors, etc. If there is, Justjadajada will catch me and roast me on my lack of education and say, "damn girl. You didn't deserve to graduate high school."

I only give those two permission to roast me. Any whore, enjoy 🐸☕️



I watched her sing her heart out to Sean's dad. I watched her pour her heart out into the song. I was in a trance up until she strung her last chord.

Sean's dad stood up. "That is the sound we need at Capitol records. Someone who can pour their heart out into their song while having a nice vibe to it." He said.

"Thanks." She moved some strands of hair behind her ear.

"Here's a contract to sign with us. I will love it if you signed it." He slid her a contract and a fancy golden pen. When she about to reach for the pen, I took the contact.

"I would like to read over her contract to make sure you aren't scamming my client." I read through the contract before T snatched it from my hands.

"Sorry about him." She said.

"No worries Ms. Harrison, I've been dealing with this knuckle head for eight years now." He said. She skimmed over her contact.

"I will love to be apart of this but I want to finish out school. My parents payed and saved a lot for me to go to school and I don't want to seem like I'm wasting their time."

"Deal. But what you can do is keep making music and post it on YouTube and tour whenever you have a break."

"Agreed." She took the pen and signed it.

"Congratulations Ms. Tiana Harrison for being our newest edition to Capitol Records." She shook hands with him.

After she got her business done and over with, we headed on the elevator. As soon as the doors shut, she ran and kissed me.

"What was that for?" I said in shock. Twice we kissed she hasn't yet slapped me.

"For helping me through this journey."

"It's no problem T. I get a kick out of seeing making you smile." I held her hand. I leaned in and kiss her again. This time, I allowed the kiss to linger longer.

I guided her softly to the wall of the elevator and moved my hands from caressing her face to her curvy hips. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I deepened the kiss. My tongue roamed around her mouth. I let my hands travel to her ass and gently squeeze it. She let out a soft moan.

"Ahem." I totally forgot we were in an elevator. We pulled away. I turned around so see Sean with a pizza in his hands "Damn yall get a room. Yall horny teens are out here doing the nasty in public." He smirked.

"Uhh." She said. She fixed her dress and which I can say that she looked great in. "I'll meet you in the car." Tiana said. I handed her my keys. She gave me a peck before walking off.

"Wow that was quick. She just broke up with her ex bae..." He looked at his gold watch. "Almost 12 hours ago. You work fast."

"It kind of just happened in the spur of the moment." I shrugged.

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