( Merome ) It wasn't a mistake it was destiny

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( Mitch's POV )

"GET OUT!" I said angrily as I pointed to the door.

"But Mittcch!" Said Maddy, trying to sound cute and sweet

"I SAID OUT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs!

Maddy's eyes flashed with sudden anger and threw a pillow at me, but I luckily blocked it.

Suddenly, Maddy had enough

"I don't need you anyways! Man whore!" Said Maddy as she opened and slammed the front door on her way out.

I looked towards the door, feeling happy that my now Ex girlfriend was gone for good.

But then, I did something I never thought of doing...

I started to cry,

I couldn't take it.

I ran upstairs to my room, almost slipping on the pillow Maddy threw at me.

I slammed the door and went under the covers.

"I'm alone again.." I said in between my sobs.

Then... Suddenly,

My head was filled of the images of my recent fight with Maddy.


I was in the living room, on a couch texting Jerome.. My favorite person in the world, but we'll get to him later.

Then suddenly, Maddy angrily opens the front door.

She had come home from work, and obviously.. It wasn't a good day for her

She quickly locked the door and her evil, gruesome eyes lock into mine.

"Mitch, who the fuck are you texting?" Maddy says angrily as she quickly runs by my side to check my phone.

I put my phone in my pocket, not letting Maddy see the silly and sometimes inappropriate conversations me and Jerome have.

"I was just texting Jerome" I say sternly.

I was honestly not in the mood for arguing with my girlfriend.

"Mitch, sometimes I think you spend more time with Jerome than with your own girlfriend!" Shouts Maddy as she stomps her foot on the ground.

"Yeah whatever" I say, still trying to avoid a fight with her.

"THATS IT! Mitch I'm FORBIDDING you to see your big nosed freak ANYMORE" Screamed Maddy as she pointed at me.

My blood started to boil, my anger started to rise.

No one makes fun of Jerome like that..

I quickly stand up and face Maddy.

I had a good 5 inches over her, so she quickly got scared by my presence.

"Maddy, you do NOT make fun of my best friend, and I don't care WHAT you are or WHO you are, I want you to get out of my house" I say sternly.

Then, Maddy instantly realized her mistake.

"Oh! Mitch I'm sorry! I can make it up to y- "

"We're through.. " I cut her off

"Oh nononononNononononoNOnoNo!, take me back! I promise to make it up!" Said Maddy as she started doing her 'Puppy eyes' face.

"GET OUT!" I said angrily as I pointed to the door.

//End of flashback

My mind was suddenly interrupted by the ringing of my phone.

I quietly took out my phone from my pocket and checked it

It was a message from Jerome.. My best friend

I quickly put in my 4-numbered password and went straight to messages.

Jerome: Hey Biggums! I need you to come over tonight.

I quickly replied.

Mitch: Ok... What for? We're done recording for the day

And instantly, Jerome replied back

Jerome: it's not that Mitch, it's something more... Serious.


This was a little short-ish?but it's only the beginning!

This story was already written by me on Instagram, but I thought it should upload it to Wattpad to get a bigger reaction and a bigger audience! 😊

I really hope you guys enjoy the beginning of my first fanfic ever written!

See ya next chapter!

( Merome ) It wasn't a mistake, it was destinyWhere stories live. Discover now