Chapter 27: A night to remember ~Final part

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This will be...

A ummmmm, a very sad chapter filled with love! Possibly the most saddest chapter in the book.

Just get ready...

Get your emotions ready,

Here we go!

(BTW This fanfic is almost coming to an end)



Maddy and Valentine looked down on us and they cracked their fingers.

"This is gonna be fun" said Valentine as they both smiled evilly and looked straight towards us.

Me and Jerome had no ideas left, and we couldn't get up.

We we're doomed.


( Jerome's POV )

"Wait up Maddy, I need go to get my knife that Mitch threw across the room" said Valentine as she quickly ran to the other side of the room

Maddy nodded at her, and she turned her head towards us.

"Don't even think about it.." Said Maddy in a sharp, evil voice.

Obviously I was thinking of getting Maddy out of our way, and Mitch seemed to have the same idea.

Hopefully I can walk with my broken leg.

Mitch looked towards me and nodded, almost as he read my mind.

"GO NOW!" Said Mitch as he quickly swung his legs, tripping Maddy in the process

Maddy fell on the floor head first, Mitch quickly got on top of her, pinning her down.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU FAT FUCK!" Said Maddy as she struggled.

I sat up, but I couldn't stand up because of my leg.

So I couldn't help Mitch in any way.

"GET OFF HER!" Said Valentine as she came running in with her knife in hand.

Valentine swung her hand at Mitch, slapping him, with her knife in hand.

"SHIIIT!" Said Mitch in pain, as he held his hands towards his cheek.

Valentine then pushed Mitch off Maddy with her foot, causing Mitch to land besides me.

I looked towards Mitch with worried eyes.

His cheek was oozing blood, Valentine must've cut him deep.

"Ooooh, you guys will pay for that!" Said Maddy as she got back up, her knife in hand aswell.

Mitch started to cry a bit.

Mitch crawled up to me, and he rested his head on my shoulder. Both of us still laying down.

I hugged him, ignoring the throbbing pain on my leg.

I honestly started to tear up aswell.

"We're gonna make you guys die in a slow and painful death!" Said Maddy as she pushed Mitch off me, and stabbed me straight in the stomach.

"UGGGGH!" I screamed in pain, as once again, Maddy twisted her knife in my stomach.

"FUUUUCK!" Screamed Mitch as Valentine also stabbed Mitch in the stomach

Maddy took out the knife. My lower body filled with blood.

Maddy then took a swing at my arm, making a deep and long cut.

I couldn't scream anymore, from all the pain that was happening, all I could manage to do was close my eyes and cry.

And cry

And cry

And cry

I could hear Mitch screaming in agony, but I didn't dare open my eyes.

I didn't want to see Mitch getting beaten to death.

Maddy kept stabbing me, in my arms and legs and abdomen.

I'm assuming Valentine was doing the same to Mitch, since he stopped screaming and I could hear his quiet crying.

I didn't know how much time passed, Maddy kept on stabbing me.

Eventually, Maddy pushed me towards Mitch's direction, making me land on his wet stomach.

I opened my eyes, to see Mitch's stomach almost cut entirely open.

Blood everywhere


I was getting all woozy from my blood lost.

But in the distance I could hear..

Police sirens?

"SHIT! We gotta go!" Said Maddy as she and Valentine ran out the back door.

And left me and Mitch in a puddle of our blood.

"J-erom-e... Yo-u.. a-live?" Said Mitch in a quiet and hoarse voice.

"Bar-ley, Mi-tch" I said with the same voice as Mitch's

Then, I felt Mitch's bloody hand touch mine, my hand instantly intertwined with his.

"J-erome, I l-o-ve.. yo-u....-ne-ver.. for-get th-at.." Said Mitch, his voice quiet as a mouse.

I felt Mitch's other hand run through my hair.. Gently and soothing.

With the last of my strength, I lifted my head off Mitch's stomach.. And I dragged myself to Mitch's direction.

"I L-ove.. Yo-u.. As-well" I barley said as I hovered over Mitch's face, which was filled with cuts and blood.

Mitch smiled slightly.

And I filled in the gap between us, I kissed Mitch one last final time.

Mitch kissed me back weakly, his hands slowly rubbing my hair.

His lips... His taste... His body... His personality.

I'll never forget.

And that was the last thing I remember doing, before everything went black.


I'm just gonna go now 😁

Bet a lot of you guys hate me and want to rip my guts apart, so I'm just gonna go now. K?

Hope you enjoyed... Reading that.. Chapter.. That was.. Very emotional... Still hope you enjoyed it a tiny bit? :3

K, gotta go now.


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