Chapter 22: The love square

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1 more week of schooool.

Then ill move to high schooool.


Hey hey. What up? Summer is coming, and so will more updates for this fanfic. :D




( Jerome's POV )

Mitch's lifeless body was on the floor, on front of me.

Resting in a fresh, warm pool of blood. His eyes were cold as ice.

And I just stood there, kneeling besides him.

But no tears came out...

Instead, a pure laugh of evil came out of my mouth.

Then I noticed... I had a bloody knife in my hands, blood from Mitch's body.


I woke up with a start, I frantically looked around the room.

I was still in Ian's bed, but Ian must've woken up before me.

I looked at my hands, there was no knife there.

A sighed with relief.

"Only a dream..." I said to myself.

I forcefully got my myself out of the warm bed, went to the bathroom to do my 'business'.

Then went straight downstairs, there, Ian was cooking some eggs for breakfast.

He smiled once he saw me.

"Good morning Jerome, it's about time you woke up." Said Ian with a slight giggle.

I sat down at the kitchen table, and held my head with my hands.

"Is something wrong?" Said Ian when he served me some cooked eggs and some orange juice.

"No, nothing... Just a bad dream." I said as I began to eat my breakfast.

"Alright... Just remember that it wasn't real.." Said Ian as he sat across from me at the table.

We ate in silence for a while, until I decided to speak up.

"Ian, can we ta-lk about something?" I said, stuttering a bit because of being nervous.

"Sure dood, what's up?" Said as he finished his mouthful of eggs.

"Uh, remember last night... How we cuddled, and umm- I kinda have the-se feelings for y-ou." I said, quite nervously.

Ian just stared at me with his precious blue eyes.

I felt stupid.

"Why the fuck would you say that Jerome?" I thought to myself.

Finally Ian spoke.

"Jerome, I know you didn't mean that. Remember, you miss Mitch. And you are seeking some comfort since Mitch hurt you, and since I'm here, you think you love me, but really... You miss Mitch." Said Ian, in his most comforting voice.

Ian got up from his chair, and gave me a hug.

"I guess that's true, but, I don't think I'm ready to see Mitch for a while." I said as Ian hugged me.

Ian quietly released from the hug, and he kneeled down before me. He took my hand and put it in front of his heart.

(This is the part where you cry)

"I understand Jerome, and I'm here for you. I'll gladly be your snuggle buddy, and I'll be the shoulder you can cry on. I'll be your comfort Jerome." Said Ian as a single tear drop fell from his face.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you Ian" I said with my most goofiest grin ever.

Ian got up, and went back to eat the rest of his breakfast.


"Hey Jerome, wanna go watch a movie?" said Ian as he washed his plate in the sink.

"Actually, that would be nice, which movie though?" I said as I put my plate in the sink.

"Well, I heard 'Frozen' was a good movie, wanna see it?" Said Ian, his voice filled with excitement.

I smiled.

"Sure! Let's go!" I said as I grabbed my special 'Posh' hat from the couch.

Ian grabbed his car keys from the living room table, and we went out the front door.

"This is going to be FUN!" I thought to myself as we entered the car.

( Mitch's POV )

After hours of me hugging Tyler, we finally stopped and walked up the basement stairs, into the kitchen to make ourselves some food and drank.

"Tyler, do you mind if I move in with you for a while? I don't want you alone after you just tried to kill yourself." I said as I prepared some sandwiches.

Tyler sat down on the kitchen table and looked at me, I could tell he was starting to get nervous.

"Uh- sure Mitch, but are you sure? You know, I still kinda like you." Said Tyler quite sadly, and he held his head down in despair.

I walked towards Tyler, sat next to him, and handed him his sandwich.

"I think I can handle that, I just don't want you dead Tyler." I said as I patted his back.

Tyler still looked quite sad and depressed, I couldn't stand to see a friend like that.

So I kissed him, on the cheek.

Tyler looked straight at me, his blue eyes twinkling in the light.

"Mitch, that's not really helping." Said Tyler.

I giggled at his comment,

Then, I had a perfect idea.

"Tyler, let's go to the movies to get your mind off of things!" I said as I jumped up from the chair.

Tyler's face lit up.

"That sounds like fun actually, what should we watch?" Said Tyler as he got up.

"I heard 'Frozen' is an excellent movie! Let's go watch it!" I said with an excited voice.

Tyler grinned.

"Sure Mitch!" Said Tyler as he quickly grabbed his keys from the table and we literally ran towards the car.

"What an exciting day this will be." I thought to myself as Tyler started the car.





Yes yes, Jerome and Mitch are OBVIOUSLY going to meet each other at the movie, and stuff is about to go DOWN! XD



Lol, so hope you enjoyed that chapter, remember to vote and comment, any questions just comment down there ;)

And remember...


I'm done. XD

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