Chapter 28: Plot twist

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First, look at the title name, now back to me, now look at the title name again, and back to me.

As you can see, there is a plot twist.


Ok, you may start the roller coaster of DEATH.

( BTW thanks for 30k reads :P )


( Jerome's POV )

Darkness. The only thing I can see.

Was I in heaven? Am I going to see Mitch again? Did I say goodbye to him right?

These thoughts pondered my head as I tried to escape the darkness.

Am I going to hell for some reason? Was I bad?


But, in the distance, someone is calling my name.

"Jerome. Wake up"

The voice, sounds very familiar to me, was it my mother?

"Please... Wake up"

The voice seemed to get more desperate, like someone misses me.

"Jerome.. Please wake up for me"

The voice seemed to get louder, and then, something clicked.

My eyes were closed.

With all the strength I had, I tried to open my eyes, I didn't know where I was or who I'm going to meet.

I want to live again.

After minutes of mentally struggling with myself, I slowly opened my eyes.

Only to be blinded by light, I quickly put my hand above my eye.

"OH MY GOSH! JEROME!" Screamed the familiar voice in delight.

I felt, hands around my waist, this person was hugging me.

I again, opened my eyes carefully, and to my shock.

Mitch was hugging me.

"Mmmm-iitch?" I said, barley able to talk

Mitch didn't hear me, and kept on hugging me.

I took a look around my surroundings,

White walls, a TV and a few green chairs.

A hospital room.

And I took a good look at Mitch, who was now done hugging me and was standing there looking into my eyes.

Mitch, looked fine...

"M-itch? Wh-y are y-ou h-ere?" I said, slowly regaining my voice

"Jerome! I came to visit you! Because I fucking care about you, you jag!" Said Mitch in a playful manner.

But nothing made sense, Mitch looked like he wasn't attacked at all, and the same with me, I only had a few scars here and there but nothing compared to Maddy stabbing me to death.

Mitch noticed my confusion.

"Jerome do you not remember the accident?" Said Mitch as he pulled up a chair an sat next to me.

I nodded.

"Yeah Mitch, me and you got stabbed to death by Maddy and Valentine." I said

This time, Mitch had a confused face.

( Merome ) It wasn't a mistake, it was destinyWhere stories live. Discover now