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My brother was missing for one year. And for a whole year I lived with a boy, Keith Kogane, in the desert. One day, something fell from the sky. And I find my brother, Takashi Shirogane, in it and met Lance, Pidge and Hunk. We were all attracted to a cave where we found a Blue Lion who lead us in front of a castle.


The castle reacted as we approached it. The lion landed in front of a huge door.

"Keep your guard up," indicated Shiro.
"Something wrong?" Asked Pidge.
" My crew was captured by aliens once. I'm not going to let it happen again."

When our feet touched the ground, the Blue Lion moved alone scaring us for a moment.

"Oh, no! I knew it was going to eat us," shouted Hunk as the Blue Lion roared.

But when the lion roared, the door opened by some sort of mechanism.

" Oh, the door is open. Guess I was wrong about you," apologized Hunk to the Lion.

We entered the castle with our guard up. The hallway was large and dark. Then, we arrived in front of stairs.

" Considering the size of the Lion, I expected these steps to be much bigger," remarked Pidge.

"Hold for identity scan," said the castle as the ceiling lighted up.
"What ?"

Our bodies were surrended by a blue circle.

"Why are we here? What do you want with us," asked Shiro.

No one answered Shiro, but a new hallway appeared behind the steps due to the sudden lighting of the room.

" Guess we're going that way," I commented.

We arrived in a huge room. In the middle of that room was a sort of controller.

"Where are we," wondered Keith.
"It's some kind of control room," I replied.

Behind us, two caspules emerged from the ground. And inside one of them was a woman and in the other one was a man.

"Are these guys... dead," added Hunk.

Then the capsule of the girl disintegrated. The girl had long and white hair. Her hair contrasted with her dark and beautiful skin. She looked like a princess. As she woke up, she tried to reach something or someone.

"Father," shouted the girl.

Lance caught her before she could fall. Their eyes met and Lance tried to seduce her.

" Hello," he said with a seductively attitude.
" Who are you? Where am I?"
" I'm Lance. And you're right here in my arms. "
" Your ears!"
"... Yeah?"
"They're hideous. What's wrong with them?"
"Nothing's wrong with them ! They heard exactly what you said about them," yelled Lance.

She attacked Lance with an awesome dexterity and suceeded to immobilize him to the ground.

"Who are you? And where is King Alfor? What are you doing in my castle?"
"A giant blue lion brought us here. That's all we know."
" How do you have the Blue Lion? What happened to its paladin? What are you all doing here? Unless... How long has it been?"
" We don't know wvat you're talking about," answered Shiro." Why don't you tell us who you are? Maybe we can help."
"I am princess Allura of Planet Altea. I've got to find out where we are and how long we've been asleep," she said as she started the controller.
"Okay, that's how that works," commented Pidge.

The second and last capsule disintegrated too, letting a middle-aged man out. The second he saw Lance, he attacked him.

" Enemy combatants! Quiznak! You're lucky I hace a case of the old 'sleep chamber knees'. Otherwise, I grabbed your head like this, wrap you up like so-- One, Two, Three-- Sleepy time!"
"Well, before you did that I'd-(shows his extreme skills of whatever) -like that."
"Really? How could you do that when I've already come at you with this?"
" Man, these guys are good," commented Hunk.
"It can't be," added Allura.
" What is it?"
" We've been asleep for 10,000 years. Planet Altea and all of the planets in our solar system have been destroyed. Coran, Father is gone. Our entire civilization...Zarkon," she said angrily.
" Zarkon," said Shiro, kind of scared.
" He was the King of the Galra. A vile creature and enemy to all free people."
" I remember now... I was his prisoner."
"Brother," I said.
" Is still alive?! Impossible!"
" I can't explain it but it's true. He's searching for a super weapon called Voltron."
" He's searching for it because he knows it's the only thing that can defeat him, and that's exactly why we must find it before he does."

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