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My brother recovered a bit of his memory. He was saved by Ulaz, a Galra. Then the castle was invaded by the same Ulaz. He said he was a member of the Blade of Marmora, a rebel group against Zarkon. He showed us a base. But Zarkon sent a mecha again and Ulaz sacrified himself in the fight to save us.


[You are in a swimsuit]

"Hi, Lance. Can you come with me please, and put shorts, only shorts" I asked when I entered his room.
"Yeah, I will do everything for you," he replied winking at me.

We walked in silence and headed to the pool. In the mean time, he talked a lot and flirted with me and for one I played his game. Today his special so I guess it's fine if it's only for today. We were now in front of the pool's entry.

"Uh, why are we here," asked Lance curious about the destination. I shut him down by putting my finger on his lips and murmured in his ears that it was a surprise.

I took his hand in one of my mine and I put the other on his eyes to prevent him for seeing the surprise.

"I guess it's good here, you can look," I indicated when I retire my hands.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LANCE," we all shouted.
"Wha-, you guys, you did that for me?"

He cried like a baby because we was really happy I guess.

"Happy birthday Lance," I said and I kissed him on his cheek knowing he'll feel happy about that.

It has been days since we prepared Lance's birthday surprise party. Because we knew that he liked the sea we decided to make the party at the pool. The pool, actually the whole room, looked like Earth thanks to the advanced projector of the castle and Pidge to have create everything from scratch. Hunk had made a big blue cake that was incredibly good looking. Coran brought some bottles of something strange to drink. Shiro and Keith had brought snacks that they found out somewhere in the castle. And Allura and I didn't do really much we just planned the party.

"We should begin to party don't you think so Lance," asked Allura with a big smile.

Lance didn't notice Shiro and Keith behind him and he find himself thrown in the pool. When his head popped up of the water, he was laughing. Allura and I saw the opportunity and pushed Shiro and Keith in the water too. But before falling, Keith caught my wrist and pulled me with him in the water and so Allura because I caught her too. Coran jumped in the water to protect Allura from Shiro was having fun by sending water in her face. As for Keith, he was laughing by the fact that he caught me by surprise. Hunk and Pidge send us away.

Everyone was laughing, smiling. We all enjoyed this pause. Thanks to this we all restrained our bonds because we could talked to each other about everything and not only about the Galra or the Universe.

After a moment playing with everyone by sending each other a ball, I got out of the water to get myself a drink. Lance followed me.

"So do you enjoyed your birthday party," I asked as I took a sip from my drink that was not so bad as I thought.
"Yeah, very much. Thank you, Y/N," he said with the biggest smile I ever saw from Lance.
"We hoped that you'll like it, even without gifts. It's a little difficult to find something in the space actually," I said chuckling.
"Well, you could give me a gift you know," he said avoiding my gaze and blushing a little.
"Could you give me a hug?" He asked shyly that it was cute.
"If it's only a hug, then it's fine," I replied hugging him.

Keith POV

I was playing in the water with everyone when I looked for Y/N. She was talking with Lance. Well, it's normal. I mean, they're friends and it's Lance's Birthday. Yeah, and she as the right to talk to other people. To other guys. Then when I looked at her again I saw that they were done talking. They were more into hugging stuff right now. Her whole body was pressed against Lance. Too close. And Lance put his hands, I think really low on her back. Don't touch her. When he saw me that I was looking, he grinned and put Y/N closer. 'You,' I thought before receiving a ball in my face.

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