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We found a message coming from the planet Olkarion. The Galra captured their king and enslaved them. Their resistance asked for our help. We freed them and through the battle I realized that Keith wasn't in love with me. He was just going with the flow all this time.


I didn't realize the alarm blaring.

My mind was empty as my heart and my eyes wandered in the galaxy.
It hurts. My heart, it hurts so much. To Keith I'm just Shiro's sister. Just another person on this ship. One who doesn't posses a Lion and so who are weak and need protection. That's right, to Keith I'm nothing but a promise made to my brother surely to watch over me. That's why he always stop me to fight with them because he only wants to respect this promise. Maybe the fact that we nearly kissed, was only because he went with the flow. Or simply, it was just me who thought that we'll kiss. Maybe it was me, in that moment who tried to close the gap between us and Keith didn't do anything in order to not hurt me. I'm so stupid. I'm so idiot. I'm so... in love that it hurts knowing that he doesn't love me back.

Soon enough, my thoughts were interrupted by tremors bigger and bigger. What's going on?

An entire space fleet of Galra was shooting at us. Then the barrier was raised around the castle to protect us. I ran to the central room to join everyone and try to do what I can but stop before entering. Everyone was already fighting and of course, didn't need me. I would be useless, here. I knew that they didn't need me, that they could escape without my intervention, so I left and went to my room in order to not be in their ways.


Third POV

"I've got an idea! Hold on," informed Allura.

Allura, what are you doing," asked Pidge as Allura went toward a planet which was in front of us.
"I'm going to use this moon's gravity to gain speed and put some distance between us and Zarkon."
"We're clear to wormhole," shouted Coran.
"We got away from Zarkon, how come we're still on alert," asked Lance.
"Coran, what's going on," asked Shiro too.
"Oh, no! Teludav lens malfunction! We're about to exist this wormhole a lot sooner than we planned," explained Coran.
"Whoa. Where are we? Looks like some sort of iceberg graveyard," commented Lance when we existed the wormhole.
"Coran, what's the status," asked Allura totally exhausted.
"Checking that now. We didn't make it to our exist point, but we're several galaxies from Zarkon's fleet," answered Coran just before Allura collapsed. "Oh no, you look exhausted. You must rest. You've been exerting way too much energy. I'll go check on the main turbine and figure out what's going-"
"Whoa. Are you all right," asked Lance when Coran crashed in the wall.
"I'm fine," groaned Coran. "Look, I tell you what, I've probably hit a slippery spot on the ground there. Someone please wipe that up there!"
"You're sweating. You might have a case of slipperies," warned Allura.
"What? No! No, that's an old person virus, and I'm not old. I'm young. Well, young-ish."
"What are the slipperies," asked Lance.
"It's a common Altean virus that occurs later in life. It's not harmful and usually only lasts a couple of days, but it causes one's body to secrete extremely slick fluid," explained Allura.
"Ew," everyone said.
"Gross," added Shiro.
"Yes, it is grood, so it's a good thing I don't have it," informed Coran while Pidge threw up.
"Coran, it's nothing to be embarrased about," comforted Allura.
"I'm not embarrassed because I don't have it! And now, I'm actually going to leave because I've got to fix the main turbine!"
"All right. Since Zarkon has no idea where we are, this is the perfect time to focus on our next step," informed Shiro. "Maybe we can find that secret group, the Blade of Marmora. Pidge, where are those coordinates?"
"Wait, hang on," groaned Pidge. "I'm so tired, my brain's not working."
"Yeah, neither is mine," added Lance.
"Hello, all. I've checked the engines," interrupted Coran.
"That was fast," commented Pidge.
"Well, I slipped right down- I mean, hurried down. Anyway, the good news os, the Galra fighter did minimal damage. I flushed the turbine and it's fine. The bad news is, the teludav, or wormholer, as you Earthlings call it, is in bad shape. Several scaultrite lens-stones of the magnifying beam generator are cracked. As you know, the magnifying beam generator uses a crystal to convert Altean energy into usable fuel. That supplies the power needed to wormhole. Well, anyway, I need to remove the cracked lenses and readjust their trajectory temporarily until we can replace them. I'll also need to divert power to make up for the lost energy. Anyway, it's going to take at least a quintant."
"All right. We'll hide the ship and get some rest while Coran comes up with a work-around. Tomorrow, we'll be sharper and refocused," said Shiro.



After the castle escaped Zarkon and that everything went still, I went to the training deck.
The only thing I can do is to practice again and again without ever really fighting. I'm different from them. I don't have a Lion, actually I don't have the ability to pilot a Lion after all, at our first meeting with Allura she didn't find any qualities in me to pilot one. They said I'm a good fighter. It's true, I know how to fight since I can walk. But what is the point to know how to fight if the only thing I do is to sit around in the castle while everyone is fighting Zarkon. I'm not a pilot like them and I'll never be. I'm... a soldier. A plain soldier who knows how to throw punches and kicks, who knows how to fight with daggers. I know how to fight but only on the ground not in space and not against space ship. I'll always be useless here. All I can do, is train again and again and become stronger but for what? For nothing.

Then, the floor shaked again. We're under attack. And, I can't do a thing about it.

At the end, they were able to escape without my help.

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