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In the Castle, we met two aliens: a princess Alien called Allura and an uncle named Coran. They explained us that Zarkon destroyed their planets and the universe. Everyone except me, became a paladin of Voltron. My brother was the black paladin, Keith the red one, Lance the blue one, Hunk the yellow paladin and Pidge the green paladin.


We passed the night discussing random stuff. I mostly spent my time with my brother because we didn't really had the time to talk with all these things which happened.

" You really change Y/N," commented my brother on my appearance." You look more... mature," he said a little sad. "But you're still my cute little sister who was scared of everything," he added pinching my cheeks.

"I was four years old! And stop it, it's embarassing," I said blushing.

When I was younger, I had short H/C hair with pigtails, it was the only hairstyle my brother and father knew and now I had long hair in a ponytail. I had bright E/C eyes but they darkened with time. And Shiro, always dressed me with a pink dress with a lot of ribbons on it and called me his little princess. Yeah, I'm happy that I can dress by myself now.

"You're still my cute little princess."
"Stop it, Shiro. I'm serious, stop... I'm not a kid anymore, brother, so stop treating my like that please."
"Wait, What... do you mean 'you're not a kid anymore'," he asked as he stared angrily to Keith.
" I didn't do anything," said Keith hurriedly.
"What are you thinking again, stupid brother," I yelled, red as a tomato.
"I missed you so much Y/N. I'm so happy to meet you again," he said as he hugged me.
" I missed you too, stupid brother," I replied as I cried in his arms.

We were all tired after this long battle and discussions so we decided it was time to sleep. We had our own room. It was bigger than the house where Keith and I lived. There was a huge bed, a closet and there was a private bathroom too. It was so luxious for me.

" Are you going to be okay,' asked Keith concerned.
"Yeah. I think, it'll be."
" If it's not, come directly to me. I'm next door, okay?"
" Yeah."
" Good night, Y/N."
"Good night, Keith."

The lights turned off. I stared at my ceiling, waiting to fell asleep. I tried not to think. Don't think. Don't think. Don't think. Don't think. I closed my eyes and repeated the same words. Then, I lost consciousness. It was dark, silent. I could only heard my heart's beating. I floated in a void. I was alone and lost. Finally, it began. I started to have anxiety, I suffocated. I was dying. Help... help...Keith...

" Y/N wake up! Wake up! I'm here, it's alright! Take my hand," shouted Keith.

My eyes are still closed and my brain is still dreaming. In the void, I heard him. And in reality, I took his hand and then opened my eyes.

" Keith," I said crying and shaking.
"I'm here."

Shiro entered my room and saw me crying in the arms of Keith.

"What happened?"
_ She has night terrors and... sleep apnea, explained Keith.
" I knew about her night terrors. She always had it but... sleep apnea, she never had that."
" It declenched, about, 7 months ago. We didn't find a way to cure it. The only thing I know is that someone has to hold her hand when she sleeps or she'll have night terrors and sleep apnea. I'll stay with her tonight so you should sleep, Shiro."
" She's my sister, so I will-"
"You... should... sleep... brother."
" Y/N," he sais worried.
"It's... fine..."

I woke up early this morning, maybe because I wasn't in my house. Keith was still sleeping, so I decided to take a shower and explore the castle. I headed to the control room where I found Coran and Allura.

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