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We met the people who lived on Arus. Allura held a ball where I had to wear a white dress who had its effect on Keith. Or so I hoped it did. But the peacefulness ended really quick. Sendack, a Galra commander, attacked us and hurt Lance, Shiro and I in the process.


I woke up when I feel someone touching me. One of the soldier was tying me with a rope. As soon as I regained my senses, so fastly, I escaped the soldier and I knocked him off. I reached my thigh to take my weapons but I didn't have it, I guess they fell from my hands earlier when I was about to attack the guards. So I attacked the guards with my punch but I was overwhelmed by the number and the fact that I was hurt. When they catch me, Sendack put his hand under my chin to lift my head.

" You are really rebellious," he said as he looked me in the eyes. "You are not even afraid of the consequences of your actions. I guess you are a good soldier but like them," he said as he looked to my brother and Lance, "you are weak when it comes to other lives."
"Don't you dare touch them," I said angrily as I stared as him." If you touch only one of them, I WILL BE THE ONE WHO WILL KILL YOU!"
" You talk big little one, but you are weak," he said as he punched me in my stomach causing me to cough up blood.
"..., Maybe but I keep my promises," I replied as I left my head to show him I was strong and that he should be scared.
" Chain her up."

The guards punched me again to make me unconscious and chained me up away from Lance and my brother.

"Y/N, Shiro, wake up. It's me, Pidge."

When I opened my eyes I saw Pidge, catched by Sendack.

"You really thought your little hologram trick would work with me? Stand back," averted Sendack to Keith and Allura who just came in.

Lance wake up and shoot Sendack in his back just before collapsing again. Shiro charged Sendack and was sent away by Sendack's punch but it allowed Keith to attack Sendack. Allura went straight to me to free me and gave my weapons back.

" Thanks," I whispered as I tried to stand up.
" Easy, Y/N."

Allura went to the control board while Pidge cut Sendack's mechanic arm off and Keith attacked Sendack too but he was blocked so I sent my knives into his back, turning his attention to me.

" Y/N, now," yelled Allura.

I pushed Sendack into a circle which was a cage activated by Allura. Pidge went to my brother to free him and Keith to Lance. They were safe.

" Yeah, they are safe now," I whispered just before I black out.

Again. I'm here, again. Everything is black. No sound, only silence. No life. Me, alone, in a void. I'm lost. No one know. No one remember me. I'm alone. I can't breath. I'll die. I don't want to. I-I--

I woke up crying and trying to catch my breath. Then, I felt an immense pain in my stomach. I checked my stomach and realized I didn't wear anymore Allura's dress. In fact, I was wearing a black shirt with only my boxer. I decided to stand up but I failed and fell on the floor. I didn't have any forces.

"Y/N," yelled Keith as he entered my room. "Are you," he stopped when he saw me with only a black shirt and my boxer and blushed furiously. "I-I didn't mean to- huh, I-I just came in when I heard the loud sound so I-I"
" It's okay, Keith. But, um, could you help me to get up? I... can't, it seems I don't have any forces left."
" Oh, huh, yeah."

He tried to avoid looking at me while he picked me up in this arms but by doing that he didn't picked me up in a good way and dropped me on the bed but he fell on it too. He was so embarrased to be on top of me, in a bed that it was so cute.

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