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My brother, Keith and I were seperated from the others, on a desertic planet. Shiro was hurt and hunted by creatures while Keith and I were far away from his position. When we found him, the creatures were near to kill him so I saved my brother with Black. I don't know how but Black helped me. Then, Pidge rescued us.


Due to my brother's injury, Allura and Coran put him in the healing pod. But my brother looked more in pain than ever. It broke my heart seeing him in pain.

" Is he okay," asked Hunk.
"Sometimes, the healing process can cause involuntary brain wave reactions," explained Allura.
"He looks like he's having a bad dream," added Hunk.
"He just got blasted by a space witch and mauled by giant lizards," said Keith. "What dream could be worse than that?"

It was hard to see Shiro in this state. I was helpless. I couldn't help him to be better. All I could was waiting for him to heal. It was hard. I decided to isolate myself from the rest of the group and joined the Lions.

I hope he'll be better. He suffered so much since our father died. He suffered so much because he had to take care of me. He abandonned everything and joined the Garisson in order to gain money and have a place to live for both of us. If I wasn't a dead weight maybe he would have a better life. Maybe he would have been married. Maybe he would have realized his dream. But, because I'm here, because I exist, he always suffers. I can't stand it. No matter how much I practice to become stronger and independant, it's just not enough. If only I wasn't born then Shiro would still have his mother and would have a better life. Please, Black protect him for me. I'm weak and I can't do anything so please protect my brother. Protect Shiro.

After crying for a bit, I joined the group and find my brother healed. Before I even talked to him, Shiro explained that his memoried came back. That someone inside the Galra army helped him escape. He asked Pidge to analyze his memories to find those who helped him.

"I'm not finding any coordinates in here. Are you sure this wasn't just a dream," questioned Pidge.
"I'm positive. Someone helped me escape," answered Shiro.
"And he was Galra," asked Allura a bit skeptical.
"You know you cannot trust them," she admitted.
"Your father must have trusted them once," he replied. "Zarkon was the original Black Paladin, wasn't he?" Confessed Shiro.
"That was a long time ago."
"Wait, what," said Lance shocked by the news.
"Didn't you see how he stole the Black Lion right out from Shiro? Or that he could do all that cool stuff with his bayard? Shiro's bayard? You know, the Black one?" Informed Keith.
"Why didn't you just tell us the truth about Zarkon," I asked to Allura.
"I wanted to protect you from the dark history of the paladins so that you would have a chance to bond with your lions on your own," She explained. "Shiro, you are the Black Paladin now, not Zarkon."
"Yeah, well, the Black Lion may have a different take on the matter," confessed Shiro.
"Wait a second," interrupted Pidge. "I think I see it now. Some repeating numbers in all this Galra code. Let me extract it. They are coordinates! They lead here: the Thaldycon system," she said as she projected it on a bigger screen.
"Then that's where were headed," replied Shiro.
"Are you sure you can trust this, I mean, after all the Galra have done to you- they- they took your arm" said Keith.
"It's worth the risk. Someone helped me escape. If we can locate some allies in our fight against Zarkon, especially ones from his own side, we might just find a way to take him down," answered my brother with confidence.
"We can check the location, but I don't like this," I informed.
"Your sister is right. The Galra are not to be trusted," said Allura.


"Well, this is it. No sign of any activity at all, living or otherwise," informed Coran as we were in the Thaldycon system.
"Can we get in there to take a closer look," asked Shiro as he pointed a circle of, what looked like, diamonds or something similar.
"I don't want to bring the Castle any closer. Those xanthorium chunks contain highly unstable nitrate salts. Even bumping one of them can blow us straight to Wozblay," explained Coran.
"Are you sure this is right?"
"These are the coordinates Number Five gave me."
"Hey, my description is solid," interupted Pidge.
"There must be something we're missing."
"We should get out of here," said Allura. "We've checked it out but now, it's time to move on."
"No," ordered my brother. "There must be something more to this. I can feel it. I think we should wait."

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