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We find that Zarkon is not tracking us through Allura nor Keith. I tried to distance myself from Keith. I wasn't good. It hurted. Lance comforted me when I was down



After everyone left to their rooms, I decided to talk with Lance. I wanted to thank him for earlier.

"Hi, Lance. Uh, can I come in," I asked.
"Y/N? Uh, yeah, sure. Waouh, I-I never expected that you would ever come in my room actually. I'm a bit surprised. So, uh, what is it?"
"I wanting to thank you for earlier with the rocks."
"Oh, yeah sure. It's normal, I mean."
"Yeah, I... know. I shouldn't have come actually," I said as I realized I needn't have to thank him because it was normal.
"Wait," he said as he gripped me by ly wrist. "Is something wrong?"
"No, no. Everything's fine."
"Don't quiznack me Y/N. So tell me what's wrong, you are a bit off since the mission on Olkarion. Come on, you can tell me, I owe you one after all."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean you covered me when I cried and Keith was here."
"Oh, that. It was nothing, you don't owe me anything."
"Yes I do, I will prefer to die than to be discovered crying especially if the one who discovered it is Keith. Well, you can trust me, so tell me what's wrong."
"All right."

So I explained that I was in love with Keith, but that I knew I didn't have a chance and that he only cared about me because of my brother and that I decided to abandon this love. It hurt me to tell someone the thing that I was thinking about since a few days because it meant that it was over now, so I cried a little in Lance's arms. After I calmed down and left Lance's room, I hugged him to thank him for listening to me.

"You know, I knew that you loved him, but if you are ready to love someone else then I'll be here for you," he said as he looked into my eyes and wiped the tears falling down my cheeks away. "I won't ever make you cry, ever."
"Lance, I-"
"I'm serious so please, think about it. You should go to sleep now. Goodnight Y/N."
"... goodnight Lance."


"Okay, look," said Shiro. "I now know for certain that Zarkon is tracking us through the Black Lion. We have to find some way to stop him."
"How are gonna do that," asked Pidge.
"We've never had that situation before. Two paladins battling for the same lions," said Allura.
"Well, unless we want Zarkon taking control of Voltron everytime we get close I'll have to forge a new bound with my Lion," concluded Shiro. "One's that's stronger than his."
"Well, while you're working on that, the rest of us need to find some new teludav lenses," informed Coran. "Otherwise we won't be able to travel via wormhole."
"Is that something we have to mail or order," asked Hunk.
"Does anyone make those anymore," asked Keith.
"I don't know. Only a few Alteans could use the Teludav 10,000 years ago. They may not exist anymore," explained Allura.
"I think I may know where we can get some," informed Coran.
"Coran! You're not suggesting going to one of those filthy swap moons! The last time you went there, those Space Pirates took you everything you had," described Allura as Coran showed us photos of him in those 'filthy swap moons'.
"Space Pirates," asked Lance.
"That's cool," I said.
"The Unilu were traders and pirates that roamed the galaxy and dealt in black market goods. Umvy spice, by-tor water, little bottles of infinity vapor. Of course, you had to bargain. No one could bargain like the Unilu."
"I think with my experience of black markets, I could definetely bargain like those Unilus," I whispered.
"What do you mean, with your experience of black markets," asked my brother looking pretty angry.
"Nothing," I answered as I joined Hunk and Lance, away from my brother.
"Well, while Coran is picking up his lenses, I'll take you shopping for something sparkly," said Lance to Allura.
"This isn't shopping," yelled Coran. "You're not wandering around and say 'What a lovely pink hat, this is so becoming~' No, I can't allow Allura to get anywhere near those filthy, lawbolling Unilu hoodlums!"
"But I'd love something sparkly," confessed Allura.
"Look, you're the only one who can operate the Castle. You need to be resting, after all you've been through," said Coran. "Now, let's ready a pod for our mission. We need to get in, find the scaultrites lenses, and just get out."
"Shotgun," yelled Lance as he ran towards the pods.
"What? No, you have to be in the pod bay to call shotgun," shouted Hunk running followed by Pidge and I, after Lance and walking behind us was Keith.
"Pfff! Since when," asked Lance.
"Uh, since forever? That's shotgun etiquette. I wrote the book."

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