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Do not read from « Fortunately, I didn't have to wait in agony much longer. » to « But, it stopped as soon as it began to become more interesting. » if you are a minor.


I left the Paladins behind me. I moved on from my brother's presumed death and decided to join the Blade of Marmora. After 8 months of missions, I became a general of an armada. And right now, I'm in front of the Castle, where I'll find back everyone, including my brother and Keith.


Kolivan was already in the control room while I just arrived from the planet where stayed my fleet.

I was wearing a black outfit with a cape. I particularly loved this outfit because I could conceale all my weapons in it. It was simple yet complex, designed only for me.

But, I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to wear since I'm not fighting

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But, I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to wear since I'm not fighting. Yet, I didn't see myself picking a nice dress and high heels to talk with them as if nothing happened. I was overthinking due to the stress I was feeling.

How will they react once they see my face? Will they be angry? Will they ignore me? Will he forgive me?

Struggling with my thoughts, I was still in front of the closed door and I didn't hear the footsteps that stopped behind me.


Without seeing his face, I already knew who was behind me.

"Is that you," he asked, taking a step ahead.

I turned back to face him. When I saw his face, it struck me as hard as a stone: I love him and I missed him.

"Keith... I-" I muttered.

He ran across the corridor and hugged me tightly while repeating my name like a prayer.

Despite my effort to remain cool, I cried hugging him back. I missed him so much.

"You are all right. You are here," he commented.
"Yes, I am," I answered hugging him.

We released our grip from each other and stared in our eyes. Keith put his hands on each side of my face and pressed his forehead against mine. We didn't speak, we just admired the person in front of us, enjoying their presence, breathing their smell and remembering the memories we had.

"I missed you," whispered Keith, caressing my cheeks and looking me in the eyes before he hugged me one last time. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, Keith."
"How could you do that to me," he pushed away, with a hurt face.
"I'm sorry. I... I... needed time... alone and... away from everyone else."
"I know. I understand, but how could you disappear and ordered me not to go after you? I... I wanted to go after you, I would have find you if you didn't tell me not to. Where have you been during all this time? I was worried that something could have happened and that I couldn't be here for you. Imagine how hard it was to let you go?"
"I'm sorry Keith," I said, averting my eyes.
"I won't forgive you."
"What," I asked, scared of his answer.
"I won't forgive you for leaving us, me. I won't. So, this time I'll be clear with you, I am not letting you go, not now nor ever. I won't let you disappear again, because I'll always be with you. Y/N, I-"

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