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The Castle tried to kill us. Indeed, it seems that the crystal of Sendack hacked the system and King Alfor's AI. Leading Allura to a star ready to explode and kill us.


When I woke up this morning, I was still pretty exhausted from yesterday's event. Just when I remembered about it, my heart hurt like it was crushed with shame. Once I was dressed up, I went to the control room where I found everyone and Keith. The second my eyes met his, I looked away. What's wrong with me?

"Somewhere in Sendak's memories we should be able to find the inside information that gives us the key to take down Zarkon," said Allura while "Pidge was searching in Sendak's memories."
"I don't think your Father would approve searching through an enemy's memories," commented Coran.
" I know, but we have to do everything we can to defeat Zarkon," replied Allura.
"Once we learned all his weaknesses, we can drive up to his front door and challenge him to a fight. Winner gets the Universe," said Lance making me chuckle.
"Anything good yet, Pidge," asked my brother.
"We were only able to salvage bits and piece," she answered.
"We need something to work with," sighed Keith. "Right now, we don't even have a decent map of the empire."
"Who needs a map," said Lance. "After 10,000 years of conquering, I could propably fire my bayard at any random point in space and hit a Galra ship."
"If we could just find troop locations or supply routes, small targets that we could hit-and-run then we could free planets one by one," I said.
"Boring," added Lance. "I want the Big Kaboom."
"Zarkon's been building his empire for 10,000 years," I replied. "We're not going to tear it down overnight with five inexperienced pilots and one support ship. Hitting him where he lives would be a huge mistake."
"Okay," interrupted Pidge. "I've cross-referenced Sendak's memories with the info I got from the downed ship back on Arus. Most of it was a garbled mess, but one thing kept repeating, something called a 'Universal Station'."
"Universal Station," repeated Hunk. "Like, the kind of station that controls the entire universe?"
"Well, we are translating it from Galra, so it could also be 'Galactic Hub', " informed Pidge.
"Or 'Space Base'," added Lance. "What?"
"I'm pulling up the location of your Universal Hub Station Base on our screens now," said Coran.
"So," asked Lance, "where is it?"
" I don't know. Our long-range sensors are unable to find anything at those coordinates."
"Maybe he remembered it wrong," concluded Keith.
"Or maybe we just stumbled across a top-secret base in Sendak's memories," I said.
"Only one way to find out," added Allura. "Let's go take a look."

After what seems hours causing Hunk to sleep, we arrived in front of a planet.

"We should be close enough to get a good scan, but far enough away to avoid being noticed," said Allura.
"There it is," indicated Shiro when we saw ships hidden between two planets, on an asteroid.
" It appears the gravitation between the two planets warps the electron emission spectrum enough to keep the planet off the deep space scanners," explained Coran.
"So, you can only see it if you really know where to look," summed up Pidge.
"This place must handle shipments from all over the Galra empire," informed Shiro.
"If this is some big airport where shipments come and go, why is it hidden," I thought. "There must be more to this than we're seeing."
"Then, we'd better go down to take a look," said Allura. "We'll need to enter here: the central control building."
"I'm sorry, Princess," remarked Keith, "did you say 'we'?"
"I'm going with you," she answered. "I've traveled through the Galra transportation hubs many times with my father before the war began. I know more about them than any of you."
"Princess, I'd rather you stay here," said Coran.
"I'm not against it," I added. "I mean, if anything happen we'll be all there to protect her, six people can protect one, right?"
"What do you mean six," asked Keith. "You'll stay here too."
"I'm not, Keith. And don't even try to argue with me, I'm stronger than you so I can protect myself and the princess."
"Stop fighting," ordered Shiro. "I think it will be better if the princess and Y/N come with us. Y/N knows how to fight, I trust her, you should too Keith and for the princess, she knows how to get in the control room."
"We'll go in low, fast, and hopefully undetected," I explained. "Coming around the dark side of the nearest planet should keep them from getting a visual on us. Thanks to Pidge's modifications to the Green Lion, we'll have 30 seconds of cloaking."
"I can flood their short-range sensors with a radiation burst," added Coran. "That should buy you a minute or so, while they assume it's a cosmic interference. But, after that, it's up to you to be out of sight."

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