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My special day

Keith POV - past

Yesterday, we decided to talk about our private life in order to know each other better since we were going to live together for a moment. She told me about her mother, a war nurse who died from cancer, about her father a war general who died on battlefield and about her brother who disappeared in space. She told me everything about her past, and I did the same.

I admired her. She was amazing. We had nearly the same difficulties in life, both orphans, both rejected in a desert. Yet, she was different. She still had that sparkle in her eyes. She was lively, joyous and smiled and laughed a lot. I admired her for that.

We discussed about basic things too.

"I know it sounds stupid to ask about that nind of informations, but if we have to know each other we should do it seriously. So what are your favorite color," she asked smiling.
"What's yours," I replied.
"That's cheating, but my favorite color is F/C. I guess yours is... red. Yeah, red fits you!"

She guessed my favorite color first try. But, I didn't even have a favorite color until she yelled red. She completed the blank part that I was made of. And like my favorite color, she gave me another special thing.

She gave me a day. A day only for me. A day to celebrate my existence, October 23rd.

I was excited to celebrate my first birthday with her. But, she wasn't here when I woke up. I spent half of the day alone. I was stupid to get my hopes up. It was only a birthday, a day like any other day. I wasn't important, and I wasn't more important now that I had one.

I recognized Y/N's footsteps outside the house. The door opened, and at least thirty colorful ballons entered the room. I was at loss of word.

"Happy Birthday, Keith," shouted Y/N as she hugged me. "I'm sorry I had some problems at the market so I couldn't come home earlier."
"No... it's... fine?"

I didn't know what to say. She promised me a birthday and she gave me one. Surely, she wasn't like any person I met. She was wonderful.

"Sit down for a few minutes, I'm going back," she sprinted out of the room before I could answer.

10 minutes passed and she came back, asked me to follow her with my eyes closed. She gave me her hand to follow her and not fall.

"You can open your eyes," she said.

She had placed a plaid on the sand. There were candles and food and a gift wrapped pretty badly in some paper.

"I thought we should celebrate your birthday outside. I mean, look at the stars. They are beautiful and out just for you. Because it's a special day after all. We should eat before it's cold. Ah, I didn't cook. I didn't have the time to do so and I didn't have the ingredients and-"
"Thank you Y/N. Thank you for this," I said really touched by what she did for me.

She gave me a home, she gave me a favorite color, she gave me a birthday. She gave me so much, and I feel the word 'thank' is not enough to exprime how I am thankful.

We ate the meal she bought from a famous restaurant, we talked and laughed together. We enjoyed the presence of each other, and of the starry sky. I won't forget what she did for me, I will never forget it.

"I hope you saved up some place for the dessert," she said as she brought a cake with candles on it. "But, before we eat it, I have to sing you the Happy Birthday song."
"Wait. What I'm supposed to do while you sing it," I asked.
"Well, you listened and... you just listen."
"That's pretty embarassing to just wait."
"That's embarassing for me too. I'm not that good at singing either. So just appreciate it because that's the only day I'll sing," she answered pouting.
"All right," I chuckled.

After the disastrous attempt at singing, we ate the cake and then she gave me the gift she had bought. I was curious to know what she bought for me.

"I don't know if you will like it."

As I opened up, I discovered fingerless black gloves. I tried them on to see if they fit. It was the first gift I've ever received from someone and I really loved them.

"I'll definetly cherish them," I commented.
"So... you like them?"
"Yeah. I really like them."
"I'm glad then," she added with a bright smile.


I woke up, took a shower and dressed up. We had a meeting with Kolivan and the general of a fleet who would be a huge help in the fight against Zarkon. Before I left my room to join the rest of usvin the control room, I looked at my gloves. The first gift I've ever received from someone and from the person I love. A reminder of her, of Y/N.

I miss her.

I took one of the gloves in my palms and took the thing that I hid inside.

One day, I'll give it to her. My gift.

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