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Previously: I became weaker and weaker as time pass by. I learned from Lotor that quintessence isn't just a fuel, but it's something with much more power such as healing. Maybe I'm not a lost cause. I have to enter the portal that will lead me through a field of quintessence. But, not every ship is capable of entering it, Lotor told me that the only way to go in is to have a ship made entirely of quintessence. And I know where to find at least five of them.


Keith was very much surprise to see me in the Castle when he came back from their missions. He walked toward me to hug me I guessed, but to our surprise I received a huge hug from Hunk, Pidge and Lance.

"It's good to see you again, Y/N - We've missed you - My beautiful girl, I'm blessed to see your face again," they all said.

Eventually, they let me go in order to be with Keith. He put his forehead against mine while smiling and interlacing our fingers.

"Are you staying for a bit," he asked me sweetly.

"Yes, just for a bit," I smiled back, squeezing his hands.

He put his head on my collarbone, while sighing, he said: "I was afraid you will have said no."

I missed him. His tender voice, his warmness, his red face and mesmerising smile. It pained me to know that I was so addicted to him and it pained more to know that in the near future I would have to let him go. Unless I find a way to enter the portal. Should I really keep hope? Is it really good to hope, because the downfall will destroy me.

"You came back," admitted my brother.

"Yes, I did," I smiled as I hugged him too.

"For how long?"

"I don't really know. But, I've time," I confessed. Did I really have time?


We passed the evening of talking about our mission and mainly about the release of Lotor that they find to be very dangerous. It has been a while since I laughed my heart out when they explained us the performance they had to do each time. I really enjoyed their presences and I missed this atmosphere they had around them, like a family. After supper, Keith and I talked about everything and nothing, about memories and the fact that we actually loved each other since a long time.

"Aren't you hot with that cape," he asked casually.

"Not at all," I answered with a forceful smile.

I can't let him see my arm at any costs or else he will ask question that I really don't want to answer.

"Um... Keith about tonight... I will sleep in my old room if you're okay with it?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. You can do what you want! Actually, what happened last time was a bit rushed and-"

"and we should take our time."

"Yeah," he said blushing and looking away.

I kissed him and told him 'goodnight' before going in my bedroom.


Time passed and the Castle was silent as the members were all sleeping. I walked through the corridor and joined the Lions room. If I had to go inside the Portal, at least I know who to ask for.

I stood in front of Black, his massive body in front of me. I have to connect myself with him, but I don't know how. It was always the Lions who contacted me.

Black, please respond to me. I need you, I really need you or else I don't know if I will have the courage to continue the initial plan I had. I don't know if I will be capable of leaving them. I don't want to break their hearts, so please help me.

The Lion didn't answer my prayer. How am I going to convince him? I will try again tomorrow.

And, for 3 nights I came to ask his help without any answer.


"The final battle will happened in a few days. The Blade of Marmora with Y/N's crew and the Coalition are all prepared to fight. This our last battle to protect the Universe from Zarkon! It will be dangerous, we may never see the Earth again and the one who loves. We lose people, so if you want to give up the mission I won't be mad, you're young, way too young to face the battle. So what will you do," asked Shiro to all the paladins.

"Of course, we're going to do it," answered Lance with such a serious face it was hard to believe it was the same goofy Lance we knew.

But once again, we weren't kids anymore, not after what we went through.

On the fourth night, I went to talk a last time with Black, who ignored me again. I should just concentrate on the Battle.


"You're completely drench in sweat," interpelled Ryiht as I was sparring with his partner Zykrad. "You should take a break, it's isn't good for your body Y/N."

"I can't stop."

My breathing was shallow and before I could understand, I was surrendered by darkness. In this darkness, Black was in front of me.

I can't let you go there. You will only find .............................

"You're finally awake! I thought it was... I'm so glad you're still here," confessed Riyht.

"For how long, Riyht? For how long," I broke down. "I had finally found a solution and it was inaccessible. I don't want to leave them, Riyht,"I admitted wile sobbing.

"What do you mean a solution," asked Riyht.

"On Zarkon's planet, there is a portal that give on a place full of quintessence and I recently learned that quintessence could heal anything, but to enter it you have to have a ship resistant to quintessence such as the Lions. But, I can't pilot the Lions and asked them and they ignored me. I don't have any solution left. I don't know what to do anymore."

"This portal that you're talking is just but a rift in space. I heard the story of what happened because of the rift, it killed an entire planet Y/N! How is that thing supposed to heal you?"

"I heard a rumor, that it did save the life of some people but that it changed them. Those people were Zarkon, Haggar and Lotor," admitted Zykrad. "Maybe it could help her, Riyht."

"Are you crazy? Even if it could, she said you can't pass it if your ship isn't strong enought to resist quintessence!"


"It's fine, I already made my mind. I won't try to find a way to save myself. I will fight just like the first plan we had."

"Are you sure, Y/N," asked Zykrad worried.



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