The end.

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Keith's POV

"We are reunited today to celebrate the 4 years of the victory against the corrupted Galra Empire. We are also celebrating the new coming of Onassians into the Coalition."

"Thank you, Governor Allura. As explained, the Coalition is stronger every day. With the subventions, we were able to help planets from starvation and destruction. Indeed, our ambassador, Lance, reported that we were able to save the Dotsans from a civil war. Yet, our mission is not over, General Keith would you explain the situation to the counsel?"

"As the Commander Shiro said, we still have some difficulty toward the section I-17."

"Is this where there are remnants of the Galra Empire?"

"Yes it is. The Empire wasn't completely destroyed as long as their quarters still exist and continue to exploit planets and their inhabitants. Which is why, I request that we launch an attack on that zone."

"Couldn't you do it because of the civilians that were too close to their quarters?"

"Problem solved. I hacked their systems a few hours ago and got a list of every soldier with facial recognition, it will be easy to track them down without hurting the civilians. Of course, I also created a weapon that neutralizes their weapons who works with an electro-magnetic systems."

"The professor Pidge already installed it on the Red Lion and the other ship. We tested it and its operational."

"Of course, it's operational!"

"But is it a hundred- what is that smell?"

"This, dear members of the counsel, is a speciality from the planet Joor. As you can smell it, it's full of spices from all around the Universe. It eases the spirit and the heart of the one who eats it. Please, don't wait any longer and taste it."

"It is indeed absolutely amazing once again, Hunk."

"Thank you Allura."

"So, do we have your permission for the next mission," I asked.

"I think we all agree, that the priority is to free the people that are still slaves. So I give my permission."
"I give my permission."
"I give my permission."
"I give my permission."
"I give my permission."
"I give my permission."
"I give my permission."

"We will free them without a doubt," Shiro added.


"Keith, always training and always missing all the fun."
"Maybe you should train too, Lance. I don't think all these meetings as an ambassador help you maintaining a good physical form," I said as I stop to drink a bit.
"That's not what the people I met said about me. I can't blame them for not being able to resist me. I mean, that's part of the reason I am the ambassador and you are the stoic military General. I'm more charismatic than you."
"If you say so Lance. What do you want?"
"Allura told me that you can't avoid the ball for all eternity. 'It's the duty of a general who represent the Coalition and a paladin to be present to an event so important as the celebration of the end of the Galra Empire.' that's what she said. So go get dressed, and go to the ball, you anti-social."

Lance left. And I was all alone in the training room. I knew Allura and her love for maintaining a good appearance in front of the members of the Coalition. So I had no other choice left but to go to that party. I walked through the corridors of the castle, until I arrived in my room. It was a huge room with a view on the city.

When the battle was over, when we finally won and when everyone was reunited, we installed ourselves on a planet. The planet became the headquarters of the Coalition. Allura became the governor of the planet and stayed as a member of the Coalition's counsel. Coran was her advisor and also discovered himself a passion for teaching children about history. Shiro became the Commander and under his orders, I work as the General of the Coalition's armies. Pidge continued her research on everything and improved the planet with her technology and her understanding of nature. Hunk traveled the Universe to learn about the mysterious meals that exist and became a grand chef renowned in the entire universe. He also helps on the planets who are near starvation with free fresh meals. Lance was chosen as an ambassador for his good communication with others species and to create good ties with them. And Y/N, it's been 3 and a half year that I didn't see her. She's continuing Allura's mother's quest. And so, when she came back here, she only stays two days, but since I'm always on some mission we don't get to see each other. But we contact each other a lot to make up for it.

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