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It was Lance's birthday and we held a pool party for him. And Keith and I nearly kissed in the pool.


I had the worst sleep of my life. With the events of yesterday, I just kept remembering the nearly kiss between Keith and I. The way he looked at me, the way he touched me, replayed again and again in my head while I was trying to get some sleep. I think I just had 3 hours of sleep. I was really exhausted.

I joined Allura and Coran when my brain decided that it was time to wake up and to remember again the events.

"Y/N! What happened? You look..." paused Allura unsure of how to describe me.
"Dreadful," I said trying to smile a little.
"Why are you... in this state," she asked worried.
"Couldn't sleep. So, what are we going to do today?"
"We need to do some repairs on the castle."


"Let's hurry with these repairs. Zarkon could be here at any moment," informed Shiro.
"Okay, panel's off. Now, what," asked Hunk.
"Very simple. Just loosen the blaxums on the somoflange," explained Coran.
"Could you be more specific?"
"Sorry, Hunk, he means the poklones on the agroclams," rectified Allura.
"I don't think it helps Allura," I said.
"Easy. I got this," answered Lance as he touched some buttons. "Uh-oh. That can't be good," said Lance when an alarm went on.
"No, not the smalters, the poklones," exclamed Allura.
"No,no! It's the blaxums!" Yelled Coran.
"What are you talking about," asked Keith.
"There. Fixed," added Pidge when she pushed some buttons.
"Well done, Pidge," complimented Allura.
"The tech on this ship never ceases to amaze me. It's so mathematically elegant. Its fit is a 100 times more frictionless than any exoskeleton we have on Earth. It's... beautiful," commented Pidge.
"It's not a sunset, Pidge," said Lance who didn't understand how this was beautiful.
"You're right. A billion sunsets just happen everyday. Some genius engineer actually built this," she replied amazed by the Altean technology.
"Kinda looks like a big, delicious curly fry," added Hunk. "What the...?"

Hunk was hit by some strange fluffy balls. Immediatly, Shiro and Keith drew their shield in case these fluffy balls were weapons or something. But Lance decided it was inoffensive and threw one of them in the back of my brother's head.

"Oh, sorry, Shiro. I was trying to hit Keith," explained Lance trying to hold his laugh.
"Like that," chuckled Keith as he threw one in Lance's face.
"Yes! Squishy asteroid fight," yelled Hunk over excited.

Eventually we all threw those balls at each other and laughed. It looked like a snowball fight. I threw them on my brother and Hunk. And Lance threw one in my face. So Keith grabbed a plenty of them and sent them to Lance. Between Keith and I, it was still awkward. But right now, when our eyes met, we smiled at each other and just threw those squishy asteroids, as Hunk said, to each other.

"I don't think these are asteroids," informed Pidge who didn't take part in our childish fight. "Coran, I'm going to need a containment unit."
"Just a thick," replied Coran.
"They appear to be some sort of hyper-resilient spore," explained Allura.
"This bioluminescent pulsing doesn't seem natural. It appears programmed. I think it's a code," said Pidge.
"A code but from who," I asked, stopping from throwing a spore in Shiro's face.
"I don't know. I mean, it makes no sense. You can't program a spore."
"If anyone can figure it out, it's you, Pidge," informed Shiro before he received my ball in his face.
"Before that, everyone needs to come in for decontamination," said Allura.


After the decontamination, I headed to the training room. Training helped me to be focus. My father was a soldier. He taught me how to fight since I was born. We were really close together. Shiro was more like my mother, not that I knew her, but my dad always said that Shiro was as kind as her and had this leadership from her. The only place were I felt good, were I could escape from reality was the training room that my father had created in our home. I would spend hours and hours in there. Training helped to forget about everything. It could help me to forget Keith and yesterday events and his smile and his hands and his body and... Gosh, I really have to stop to think about him. I should begin training. The moment I was going to launch the program, Pidge asked us to come.

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