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After the fight against Zarkon, I fainted for two days. When I woke up we had to save a planet, actually a living planet. The Balmera. We won against the Galra soldiers who enslaved the Balmerans. But there weren't the final bosses this day.


"Oh, no," commented Pidge as we saw a huge thing crashed on the Balmera.

"Please tell me there's not a giant monster in there," said Hunk panicking. "Please tell me it's empty! Or full of space candy. One of those two. Either one is fine."

"I don't think it's a piñata, Hunk," answered Lance.

"If it's the same kind of monster that attacked us on Arus, we already know how to beat it," said Keith.

"That would be to easy," I replied skeptical.

Keith didn't listen to me and prepared his shield and his sword to attack whatever was in the giant Galra ship. We were all tensed to know what was in there. Then, the ship opened and a new type of Galra soldier appeared. It was red and his most notable feature was its long arms. I guess it will attack us with its arms and-. Before I could analyse and predicted its type of attacks, it had charged its chest with an enormous quantity of energy and was creating a laser with it to aim at us. The shield protected us from this attack and we all realized how powerful it was. We have to be careful, we can't make any mistakes or it will hurt the Balmera and Balmerans but also us.

"It's not candy," yelled Hunk.

"And it's not the same monster," remarked Lance.

"We need to draw its fire away from the Balmera's surface," ordered Shiro.

A second beam hit us directly, we were all groaning from pain. Everything was trembling, we could feel the enourmous pressure pushed to the Lions. We tried to attack it but surprisingly it dodged the word and counter attacked with a laser coming from its eyes. It's totally different from before. This monster is... smart. He's powerful, agile, quick and smart. He's dangerous, too dangerous.

"We can't hold out," yelled Lance.

"My Lion is weakening," shouted Pidge. "If the shield sustains structural damage, we're done for!"

"Pidge is right," commented Keith.

"Oh, Pidge is right," added Lance. "I'm the one that said, 'we can't hold out!' ".

"Lance, watch your footing," I shouted but it was too late: we fell and the shield broke.

"Okay, Team Voltron disband," ordered Shiro. "Everyone, evasive maneuvers! It can't shoot us all at once! Okay, it can do that too," added Shiro as we saw the arms of the monster covered in lasers.

We were in bad shape. They were lasers everywhere, we could barely escaped them. A beam from the sky hit the monster directly and letting us enought time to counter attack. Allura and Coran saved us some time.

"Keith, try to draw its fire," I ordered. "Shiro, attack him from above."

"Roger," they answered.

The diversion didn't work and Shiro couldn't attack it.

"We need to find its blindspot," said Lance.

"I don't think this thing has a blindspot," commented Pidge. "It has a thousand eyes."

"Laser eyes! Laser eyes," shouted Hunk.

:What do we do," asked Pidge. "Fighting this thing is like fighting an entire fleet at once!"

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