The Beginning of the End.

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"The battle will take place here. There are only dead planets around, where nothing live in. They will serve as a hideout for our battleships. Y/N's crew and the Blade of Mormora will be the first one to attack them, then the coalition's ships will attack their ships from behind. The Rebels with their fastest ships will have to destroy the Hunters. When Haggar activates her power, the Castle of Lions will rivalized with her, and the Lions will enter on the stage once Zarkon appears."

My brother explained for the last time before the attack our plan while we were all in position. All of us were stressed, anxious due to the uncertainty that all of us will come out of the battle safe and sound. I knew that I wouldn't, but I wanted to stay with them a little longer without them knowing anything.
Keith made a connection with me through a private channel. I couldn't really focus on what he was saying because I was picking every detail of his face, his eyes, his hair, his voice. I was trying to remember every little thing that I love about him, to not forget, to, in my last moment, remember that even if it was short I had met the most beautiful person in my life. I had lived so many and great adventures with him, with them. Joyful and tearful moment but beautiful moment. Each one of them, I would miss.

"Y/N, I... I'll always love you. In this life and...", he tried to choke the pain off, that was building in his voice as he was announcing his farewell.
"And in the other, whatever happens. I'll always love you, Keith. Forever and ever," I finished.

Our last farewell. A promise that we will find each other again, whatever the time it may takes.


The battle was horrible. A total war. It was hard for them to watch me, and my crew fought the many attacks of Zarkon's castle. But, we wouldn't back away. No, we would fight, until the end. We all had chosen to make the ultimate sacrifice, the one to die for the greater good, for the Universe. I cried out orders again and again at my ships to fire our opponents to the point I thought I would lost my voice. Explosions, alarms ringing, cries of anger mixed with a bit of fear, connections with our members who were fighting on the front lines cutting off. We lasted for hours, until Haggar decided it was time to appear and to wipe out the pitiful beings we were from space. However, we had Voltron by our side. They tore every ship that was on their way, and oddly I was proud. I was so proud to see how far they've come: from strangers to people who knew each other but weren't a team to now our greatest defense against the Galra's Empire. I was proud to see how we each grew up. Admirable, courageous, valiant people, that's the one I grew up with during my time I was here, in that vast field of stars and planets. My crew worked so hard to fight again and again, but even with Voltron Haggar had concentrated her power thanks to the sacrifice of some low-ranked Galra who formed a barrier between Voltron and her. And when she released her power, we lost countless members and ship in which we had friends, families, mates.

The battle was raging. Each minute that passed, we lost battleships, rebels. We were numerous, but it didn't seem enough to win. I decided to use our secret weapon that only my crew and I knew the existence of because it was only experimental. We had created a sort of canon that could compete with Haggar's blast of power, though it will endure be firing for a minute or less. But we had to try, for the sake of other so I gave the order to all my members to release hell on our opponents. During the blast of power, we gave a little frame of attack to Voltron which they took to inflict a great damage on one of the main reactors of the castle. But for that little blast of power, we didn't have any energy left anymore. I contacted Coran, the Blade of Marmora and the Rebels to protect us while we were recharging our batteries. Coran helped us recharge our batteries, at least enough for us to shoot Zarkon's Castle and battleships.

The battle was going stronger and stronger. We were exhausted but we keep going on. Then, something appeared: a gigantic robot like Voltron came out from a rift. The last project of Haggar, a robot made entirely of quintessence who has absorbed so much that it was glowing. It immediately went after Voltron, taking them by surprise to my horror. Haggar, somehow, was controlling that damn thing so I decided to release once again all our energy on her.

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