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We started the plan to take down Zarkon's Empire. The first step began with us. We are going to attack different base to attract their attention to us. Also, I'm going to search informations on Lotor, Zarkon's only son and heir.


First, we needed weapons of all kind to take down those base. We did have weapons but not enough and without enough munitions. And so we went to the Black Market, the first stop where I'll try to get any kind of informations on Lotor. I decided that the ship will be hiding in a planet not to far from Poxyrium, the trash planet where there is the biggest black market in the galaxy we are in. I ordered my crew to dress up like the civilians and search for weapons and informations for a good price about Zykrad, while I'll go alone searching for informations about Lotor. I only got a few informations about him: he's the son and successor of Zarkon, he doesn't live with Zarkon or another Galra troop so he's excluded from the Empire, he's a good fighter. Even though Lotor was hiding, he came back from the shadow so he's now a subject of conversation between members of the Galra Empire.

With my cape and hood covering my body, I blended in with the locals. The Empire didn't control this planet, but there were Galra soldiers from the Empire who came here for illegal buisness for personal demands as to gain easy money on fight in the arena between people in debts or prisonners and slaves. All I had to do was to find them, and the easiest way to, was to participate in those fights.

Once registered as a mercenary called Lovati, the show began and I fought against beasts, slaves. The public didn't think that I would have win against anyone. I appeared weak compared to the mountains of muscles I fought with, but I won, over and over. The crowd loved me, I put on a good show and I attracted a lot of investissors like a Galra general who came to talk to me directly after the end of the spectacle.

I followed the note he left me to head in a pub full of Galra soldiers. A perfect place for informations.

"A Ruhj for Lovati, Chef," ordered the general. "The little one, Lovati. You'll sure make me a rich man," he laughed.
"I didn't sign a contract with you yet. But, I might consider it if you accept my condition," I said, pouring him a drink.
"Already talking about buisness, aren't we? All right, what do you want, little one?"
"I'd like to join Lotor's group," I said, making him choked on his drink.
"Are you mad?! You aren't Galra and you'll surely not fit with this mischevious one. Plus, he already have plenty of women to work for him."
"I heard he accepted other species to join him, was it false?"
"Not wrong, not true. He lives with this abominations of half-Galra. I'm not even sure he's full Galra. He came out of nowhere to 'help' the Empire but he only did things for himself. I bet Zarkon is shameful of having a son like him, a good-for-nothing."
"So Lotor isn't a full Galra and an incompetent. If so, why was he called out to help the Empire? Couldn't Haggar do it?"
"That witch, she's dangerous. Better not be close to her. There's something unexplainable about her. You sure are curious little one."
"Indeed, I like to know my opponent before a fight."
"Hahahaha! I really like you, Lovati. I can't ask Lotor to accept you on his team, but I heard he likes to put a good show in Arena to prove us he's not an incompetent. So, how about you sign this contract and in exchange I give you the place where he'll fight next, like that you could meet him in person?"
"... Deal."

After a couple of drinks, the general was totally wasted so I took the note with the location of Lotor and left to find my crewmates.

So far I learned that Lotor isn't liked by anyone in the Empire because he has to show them that he's strong and legit, also he's half-Galra and collects a group of females half-Galra too. I don't know his plans yet, but something tell me that I should be really careful.


Once in the ship, I received a call from Keith.

"Keith! Is there a problem?" I asked, surprise by the sudden call.
"No, not really... I-I just wanted to talk to you for a bit," he answered blushing.
"Oh! I see," I said smiling like an idiot.
"How are you doing?"
"Great actually. We managed to collect some informations about Zykrad so we're going to attack the base tomorrow and normally we'll have plenty of weapons for the battle. And you, on your side?"
"Great too. We organized some stupid shows but we gained more helped from others planets and people."
"Great... Oh right! Keith could you ask Allura and Coran to come, I've to talk to them about something."
"Yeah, sure."

"Y/N I'm so glad to see you! How are you," asked Allura.
"I'm fine, thank for asking. I need to talk to you about something."
"Sure, about what?"
"Allura, your father was the Red paladin and Zarkon the Black paladin so it means that you must have known Lotor, Zarkon's son, right?"
"No, I never met him actually nor have I heard of him. I didn't know Zarkon had a son."
"Okay, and you Coran did you met him? Or maybe do you know his mother? I heard that Lotor is half-Galra."
"What? Half-Galra," interrupted Allura. "My apologies."
"I never met him, but Zarkon had a wife. She was an altean scientist, but I do not remember them to have a son before the tragedy occured."
"The tragedy?"

"Yes. Daibaazal was Zarkon's planet, and one day a comet crashed up on it. Honerva, Zarkon's wife, analyzed the comet who created a rift between other realities. Then, they discovered a creature from another reality, the only living things who could move inside the rift and into our reality, except that this creature tried to attack our reality and so Honerva and King Alfor erected a barrier around the crater to protect Daibaazal. But the creature escaped and attacked the planet, with Voltron they saved the planet and so King Alfor wanted to seal the rift. But Honerva and Zarkon became obsessed with it. Honerva discovered that you could use quintessence to heal or keep things alive."
"I understand now their obsession for quintessence. Immortality, that's what they are seeking. If quintessence could really heal everything, then maybe..." I murmured.
"What did you say," asked Allura.
"Nothing. Thank you a lot for the informations you provided."

A few days later, we arrived prepared to destroy the Galra base. It was quickly and efficient, I fought on the ground with my army once a path was cleared out for the spaceship to land. Moreover, we had a great surprise awaiting for us, a new generation and experimental battleship of the Galra Empire.

The mission was a sucess. I made a report to the paladins, the Blade of Marmora and to the rest of my dispatched army.

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