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Gosh, my head. It hurts. I opened my eyes and tried to sit in my bed. It hurts. I went to the bathroom and took a look at myself to see that I had slept in my clothes and that I had an horrible taste in my mouth.

After I showered and changed in my white suit, I went to the kitchen to eat a bit. I found Lance in the exact same state as I was, with Hunk and Pidge.

"Y/N, I guess you want something for headaches too," said Hunk as he looked at Lance.
"Yeah, please. Can anyone tell me what happened last night," I asked.
"I remember we played Uno and Twister but after that I don't remember anything," commented Lance.
"Same," I added. "Do you remember something Pidge, Hunk?"
"After the Twister, we played truth or dare," said Hunk.
"And," I asked.
"And that's all, I fell asleep," explained Hunk.
"I remember that I fell asleep but at some point I woke up and Keith and you weren't with us anymore. Maybe you should ask Keith," said Pidge.
"No need. I bet we just went to sleep after we played."
"Maybe something happened between you two," insisted Pidge.
"Did you saw something," I asked.
"No, but you don't know if you went to room directly."
"Yes, I know because I don't want to talk to Keith or be near him so I'm sure nothing happened between us."
"Why don't you want to-"
"We should join Allura and Shiro," interrupted Lance to save me, I guess.


Keith POV

I'm too tired. I barely slept. I kept remembering this night, the kiss with her. Whenever I closed my eyes, I saw her. Her teary E/C eyes, her lips, her hair. I could feel her as if she was next to me in my bed. I remembered her hands on my chest as I kissed her back. I can't believe I kissed her. I tried so hard to not think of her this way, to focus on our mission. But she is always in my mind, in my heart. She controls me completely. I can't think straight whenever I'm with her and that since we almost kissed in the training room. No, since our first meeting. I'm a fool to have fallen in love so deeply. I can't do anything but think of her, think about how much I want her. How much I want to touch her, to hug her, to kiss her. I don't think I can control myself anymore when I see her again.

I want to see her.

I went to her room to talk to her but she wasn't there so I went to the control room, where I found her with Lance, talking together, and unnecessary close to each other. I have to separate them, they are waaaay too close. As I approached them, I heard their conversation.

"I wonder what I said when we played truth or dare," said Lance.
"Yeah, too bad we don't remember anything from last night. I can't believe that there were alcohol in this kitchen," commented Y/N.
"What do you mean," I interrupted.
"Y/N and I lost our memory from last night because we drank too much alcohol," explained Lance.
"You... don't remember anything... at all," I asked to Y/N, grabbing her arm.
"...No. And can you let me go," she asked avoiding my gaze.

She doesn't remember.



I can't face Keith. Not now. I need time to forget these feelings, this unrequited love that has destroyed me.

"...No. And can you let me go," I asked avoiding him.

When he let me go, I went far away from him. I needed to put some distance for a while to forget him.

"Coran, how soon will we get to the Blade of Marmora's base," asked Shiro.
"Based on the coordinates that Ulaz gave us, we should be there within a few doboches," answered Coran.
"I can't wait to see it," added Pidge. "I mean, they were able to fold space-time, and that was just at an outpost!"
"Mm, the space taco," commented Hunk, rubbing his belly. "It left us too soon."
"Well, sure, but my point is, imagine how amazing their home base will be!"
"Exactly. It could take any shape. Like a space jelly donut. Or long, like a space éclair. Or a space cheese blintz with cherry sauce on top. Maybe a little dusting powdered sugar. That's the stars," described Hunk, who caused my stomach to grumble.
"Aw. Now, I'm hungry for breakfast again," declared Lance.
"Guys, this is a serious mission. We need to focus," warned Keith.
"We need to focus," repeated mockingly Lance.
"The base is in range," announced Coran.
"Take us in slowly," said Shiro.
"That might proves the tiniest bit of challenge," indicated Coran.
"Is that a black hole," asked Hunk.
"It's two black holes, and at the center a giant blue star," I described, gaping from what was in front of our eyes.
"That's not better," said Hunk.
"Just inside a black hole, the temperature is one millionth of a degree above absolute zero. But, just outside of that, it's hundreds of millionth of a degrees Celsius," explained Pidge.
"Okay, it's like when you try to nuke a frozen burrito in the microwave, and it comes out all scorching hot on the outside, but still frozen in the middle, right," compared Hunk.
"Now, I'm hungry for lunch," commented Lance.
"Guys, quiet," yelled Keith. "Coran, where's the base located?"

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