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We found a plan to defeat Zarkon by creating a giant Teludav to wormhole Zarkon's ship in another location to beat him up, away from his others ships. So, Hunk and Keith went to get scaultrite while Shiro, Pidge and Lance saved a genius named Slav. Allura and I got the enormous crystal for the Teludav and Coran with the Olkari built the structure of the Teludav. After we defeat Zarkon, what will we do? Will we say our goodbyes? Will we stay together? I doubt it. This is our last mission and our last fight together before everyone separate.


"Thank you, Ryner, for all you and the Olkari have done to assist us. Once we defeat Zarkon, it is my hope that we can continue to unite our forcesand rebuild the once great coalition that my father, King Alfor, began," said Allura, cheered by the Olkari.
"Princess, it's time," informed Coran.
"Everyone lock into position, we're taking this thing up. Princess, we are go for launch," signaled Shiro.
"Charging main turbine."

We left Olkarion with the Teludav. Everything's gonna end today.

Kolivan, Antok, Allura, Coran and the Paladins were in the control room, repeating the plan once more before the beginning of the operation.

"I'll use the Black Lion to lure Zarkon's fleet to our current location and make sure he's within the Teludav's area of effect. Keeping the Teludav hidden behind the space-fold until the last possible second is essential. We can count on you, right Slav," asked Shiro.
"Absolutely. I'll be fine. I'm not sure about that gravity generator though," murmured Slav.
"What? What was that last thing," panicked Hunk.
"Hiding a ship is one thing, but I've never had to build a gravity generator for something this large before. I know it'll work but I'm not really sure for how long," admitted Slav.
"Well, that's a risk we'll have to take," commented Shiro. "Once Zarkon's ship is in position, Kolivan and Antok will coordinate with Thace. Together, they'll take down Zarkon's security system and upload the virus."
"And then, he'll be a sitting du-flax," grinned Pidge. "What? A du-flax is an Altean creature with a beak and webbed feet."
"We'll wormhole Zarkon 500 million light years away, and he'll be in the Yggiz galaxy before he knows what's hit him," demonstrated Coran.
"What about Thace," I asked.
"He should be getting into position now. We received his last communication three quintants ago. We should hear from him soon," precised Kolivan.
"Let's do it," said Shiro.
"Be careful," I whispered to my brother who ruffled my hair before leaving the room.


"Zarkon took the bait. He's got my location," affirmed Shiro. "Is everybody in position?"
"We've not yet heard from Thace. He was supposed to contact us two vargas ago," informed Kolivan.
"He could've been captured," supposed Antok.
"Or killed. We need to abort the mission immediatly," said Kolivan.
"Abort? No! We cannot back away now," intervened Allura.
"The Blade of Marmora does not take chances. It's how we've survived for so long," warned Antok.
"It's held you back. Your caution is the reason Zarkon is still in power!"
"We would rather wait than jeopardize everything. Besides, it's too late to get someone else in the inside," admitted Kolivan.
"I'll go," I interrupted with Keith who said "I'll do it."
"I'll go. Everyone have their own mission. I don't, so I'll do it. I can do it," I insisted.
"You can't. I'll sneak onto Zarkon's ship. I'm Galra, so I'll be able to interact with their technology," defied Keith.
"It's not the time to argue," I sighed. "All right, Keith and I will go. Pidge, you can rig up one of those pods with a cloaking device, right?"
"Well, yeah," answered Pidge.
"Going onto Zarkon's ship is a suicide mission. I'll never command someone so inexperienced to go on a mission so dangerous," explained Kolivan.
"No one's commanding me. I'm doing it, ...with her," indicated Keith.
"Pidge, get that pod ready. Keith, Y/N... let me know when you are on your way. I'll give you cover," said my brother.

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