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Keith doesn't love me. I am useless to the team. And Zarkon always find us.


"There's no point in debating this further," said Allura. "Zarkon is clearly tracking us through me."
"What? No way," informed Lance.
"That's impossible," added Pidge.
"Why would that be so hard to believe? Zarkon's forces showed up on Arus only after I awoke," explained Allura.
"She's got a point. I would absolutely travel across the galaxy to find you," flirted Lance.
"It's not you, Princess Allura. It's me," confessed Keith.
"Because," asked Hunk.
"I just think Zarkon must've imprinted on me during our fight or something."
"Look, the fact is, we don't know how Zarkon is tracking us," intervened Pidge. "It could be through the Black Lion. Everytime Zarkon gets close to it, Shiro has to fight him for control."
"That's only when Zarkon is nearby," informed Coran. "No Paladin has ever been able to connect with a Lion over a vast distance."
"So what are we going to do," wondered Hunk.
"Look, it doesn't matter how he's tracking us because we're gonna take the fight with the Galra soon enough. They've been chasing us form galaxy to galaxy. The last thing they expect is for us to come after them," said Shiro.
"The hunter becomes the hunted, hmm? Awesome," added Lance smiling at this plan. "That's the tag line from like six of my favorite movies."
"As it happens, I took our list of the recent Galra attacks and analysed it for both commonalities and anomalies amoung the attack sites. I was hoping to create an algorithm that would, within a statistically acceptable margin of error, provide a list of target-rich Galra environments color-coded, of course, because what are we, animals," explained Pidge as she projected a map of the future localisation of Galra attacks.
"Cool, what is it again," asked Lance.
"It's a Galra finder," asked Hunk.
"Well, 'finder' suggests that it locates the Galra, whereas it would be more accurate to say that my model predicts their likeliest... Fine, it's a Galra finder," confirmed Pidge.
"So, where are the Galra," wondered Lance.
"The nearest ones are right here. A planet called Taujeer," showed Pidge on the projected map.
"Then that's where we're headed," said Shiro. "Everyone should get some sleep. Tomorrow, we'll find that Galra fleet and take it out."

Shiro POV

"Is everything okay," I asked to Keith who stayed in the control room while the others left.
"Yeah. Why?"
"You just seem a bit anxious."
"I'm fine. Just tired. Like you said, I think I should get some sleep," he answered as he walked out of the room.

There is another one with whom I need to talk.

When I entered the room, I found her laying in her bed, her back at me.

"What's the matter, Y/N," I asked as I sat beside her.
"You weren't with us when Zarkon attacked. I was worried. Where were you?"
"In my room."
"My presence doesn't matter. So where am I during the attack isn't something you should be concern with."
"Y/N... Look at me. Please," when she turned around, I remarked that she was off. "Listen, I will always be concern about you, y-"
"Why? Because I'm weak and can't do anything because I'm not like you guys, because I don't have a lion?"
"Because you're my sister, my only little sister and I don't want you to be somewhere where I can't protect you nor see you. It's not because you're weak, you aren't. You are strong. You know how to defend yourselves. It's not because you don't have a lion. It's simply because you're ly dear sister and I have only you left. I won't ever let you down, all right? I would do everything for you, we only have each other left since... he died."
"... I know. I'm just... sorry Shiro, I'm just... tired of everything. I feel... useless here."
"You aren't useless. When we are in danger, you are always trying to find a plan to save us. You cheer us to become stronger."
"Cheer us? I don't remember doing that," she replied smiling a bit.
"Seeing you doing so much effort while you train, cheer us to be as strong as you. You are our support to all of us, you know. Even if you don't realize it, you support everyone just by being here and doing so much to help everyone."
"Even if you say so, I don't really feel it. Are you sure you aren't imagining things," she chuckled.
"Maybe. Who know? I'm glad you're smiling again."
"Thank for being here. I don't know how I would live if you weren't here for me. Thank you for being my brother Shiro."
"You can count on me, always. You should rest a bit now, okay?"
"You should sleep too."
"I will."

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