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"Where's Y/N," I yelled to Allura.

"She was hit by Haggar's power and it seemed that her wound was more serious than I thought, because she was fighting so vively, but when we arrived, she... she dropped to the ground and she... she wasn't breathing anymore."


Keith POV

I ignored the rest of Allura's answer and I ran directly to the control room. I needed to see her. I needed to confirm that it was all a lie. I needed to check that she was still here because I couldn't bear the thought of losing her, especially after I thought that I had already lose her when the castle exploded.

She can't leave me. Not now, not when I haven't even told her what she meant for me. Not when she didn't knew that she was my family, that she was everything and that I can't live without her. I can't live if she's not with me. I can't live another day without seeing her training, smiling, yelling or crying. I just can't. I refuse. I can't forget her since the very first day we've met, when she threw a punch in front of my face. When she, despite not knowing me, let me live with her, when she had nightmares and cried her brother's name in her sleep, or when I was sick and she took care of me. She was always there for me and I always cared about her, more than a friend do. And I regret... I regret not telling her what I felt for her. All this time, I was a coward, but it was fine because I thought that I would never lose her. I regret not telling her that she meant the world to me. She lives in my heart and wherever I go, I see her. She gave me courage and strenght in the most difficult time, even when she didn't do anything. That's because for me her whole presence is the strenght, a live force I need. That's why I can't lose her because I can't live without her. She's different, she's my first love. She's beautiful, but in the way a forest fire is beautiful. She was the one who took the time to understand me, who trusted me. She was the one that accept me as a part of her family on Earth. When I told her the first time that I was an orphan and that I didn't know my own birthday she gave me one. We were strangers and yet I've never felt the awkwardness that we should have between strangers. I love her in a way I won't mind giving my life for hers because she gave me so much without expecting anything in return. I love her. I love you Y/N.

"Y/N," I whispered.

She was in front of my eyes, trapped inside the healing pod, nearly lifeless but I could identify that she was breathing. I couldn't resist, I just broke down in front of her and cried.

She's alive. She's fine.

"Hey, man. She's okay," reassured Lance, a hand on my shoulder.
"She's tough. She's going to be fine," commented Pidge.
"Yes, Y/N is the best kick-ass! She will be back in no time," added Hunk.
"She will be fine. Like I told you earlier, we've stabilized her pulse and breathing," said Allura. "But, there's another problem. Shiro's missing."

A week after the attack


"It's a lie. Please, tell me it's a lie Allura," I cried.
"I'm... sorry Y/N. We searched him everywhere, but..."
"No," I said as I stood up from my bed.
"You can't Y/N! You're still weak, you need to rest!"

I tried to run to the Black Lion but I crumbled on the ground. And I cried and I cried. Telling me it was impossible. I couldn't have lost my brother a second time.

"Y/N, you should rest," said Lance as he took my arm to help me get off the ground.
"Hunk will be back with some food for you to regain some force, okay? In the mean time you have to rest," added Pidge.
"Takashi," I whispered, still crying. "Can you live me alone," I asked.
"Sure. If you need anything, just ask," answered Allura.

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