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We executed the plan against Zarkon. But there was a problem. Thace, a spy inside Zarkon's ship, didn't contacted us. I decided to infiltrate the ship to shut down the system while the others did their parts. Of course, Keith wouldn't let me go alone. Together, we arrived in the control room but we couldn't shut down the system because the codes had changed. Thace suggested to overload the system and so create an explosion to shut it down. Unfortunately, Thace sacrified himself and died in the explosion. Thanks to his sacrifice, the part 1 of the plan was a success. Now we have to honor his sacrifice by taking down Zarkon.


"Y/N I'll drop you at the castle. You can't-," said Keith.
"I know. I won't insist, I'll be of no use here," I interrupted.
"Good. Shiro, I'm dropping Y/N before the attack."
"All right," answered my brother.
"Here we are," indicated Keith as he turned his face to me. "Y/N I have to tell you someth-"
"Mullet, we don't have much time so of you want to talk, talk later," interrupted Lance.
"See ya, mullet," I imitated Lance as I got out of Red and joined the castle.


"You've gotta act fast. The power will only be down for 20 minutes. The Blade of Marmora's schematics showed four targets you need to hit. The weapons systems, the engines, the bridge, and the shield generators. Now, let's put an end to Zarkon, once and for all," I said.
"Form sword. Hit the engine systems," ordered Shiro.

They shot, cut and destroyed Zarkon's ship part by part, creating tons of explosions each time they cut it.

"Stay focused. We've neutralized the engines. Let's target the bridge," guided Shiro.

As they went to attack the bridge, an enormous sphere appeared. It wasn't a pleasant thing for us, according to the reaction of Kolivan and the chills that I've got at the sight of it.

"What is that," asked Lance.
"Oh, no," muttered Kolivan.
"No," yelled Allura when Voltron was hit by the energy of the sphere, materialized as a lightning.

That's impossible. The virus, the virus desactivated the ship's weapon. How can they have power? No. No. No. Please, be all right. You have to be all right. I can't lose any of you. I can't lose my family once again.

I panicked as the darkest thought which was hidden in my mind's depth came back to the surface. I hadn't felt that way since I lost Shiro and my father. I lost track of the discussion between Coran, Allura and Kolivan and stared at Voltron to have any signs of the paladins well-being since the communications were cut. I couldn't hear anything. I shut down. I was unable to concentrate on anything. But in this bubble I was hidden and could a hear the faint of Shiro's voice.

"Yes, Princess. We're alive," answered my brother.
"Shiro," I whispered like a prayer to be sure I heard right.
"Is Voltron operational," asked Allura.
"It's not working," commented Hunk.
"I can't move my Lion," grunted Keith.
"You've been hit with some kind of witchcraft that draws the quintessence out of you," said Coran.
"You need to get out of there! Another blast like that and you may not survive," I signalled.
"Wait. What's that," intervened Lance when a giant robot like Voltron appeared from the ship.
"You must get moving," I shouted.
"Remember your training. Remember all the battles you've been through," added Allura.
"Voltron's still not responding. It's Zarkon," informed Shiro.
"We must buy them more time," I turned to Allura.
"Get us in closer. Divert all power to our weapon system," she ordered Coran.
"What? Princess, we'll be defenseless," exclamated Coran.
"It's the only way. Listen to me, you are true paladins now. Connect with your lions, reach out to each other! Fight! This cannot end now," yelled Allura as we charged the cannon. "Fire," I executed her order.

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