The New Girl...

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~Samgladiator's P.O.V.~~~

I quickly sat up from my bed. I was having a terrible nightmare. I went crazy and killed everyone. Even Grian until... Until Taurtis killed me... I've completed lost it. You never had it to begin with Rabbit Boy. The voice in my head said. I hate him. He's always saying I'm useless. That my freinds we're smart for moving in with their girlfriend's. That Yuki was smart for dumping me. All of it. "Will you please shut up." I said sadly looking at the ground. "You didn't want me to shut up when Taurtis kept saying he was 'Grian' and that Jerry was really Taurtis." He replied lazily. I just ignored him and changed into my school uniform. I was about to turn on the TV, when I heard a knock at the door. Standing up from the couch, I walked to the door. "Hello?" I questioned opening up. Standing at the door, was a girl. She was shorter then me by a few inches, and was wearing a school uniform and orange scientific goggles, as well as she has long blue hair. "Um Hi. I'm new and I head to the school nearby. But I don't know how to get there. Could you please help me." She spoke. This girl came to me for help. "Um, sure. Just let me grab some stuff first. Come on in." I replied to her. She gave a small smile and stepped inside. "Thank you umm." She said. "Sam." I told her as I stepped into the kitchen. "Samgladiator's my full name but you can call me Sam." She smiled again and continued speaking. "It's nice to meet you Sam." I grabbed a few slices of bread from the cabinet and held out two to her. She took the bread and smiled brightly. "Thank you again." She said taking a nibble of the bread. "Sooo," I said dragging the O. "What's your name?" I asked as I grabbed my backpack from the couch. I looked over and saw she had started blushing nervously. "Promise you won't laugh?" She asked looking me in the eye's. I nodded happily. "Promise." She nodded liking that answer. "I'm Kapya Trelós Shadow." She said. It took all my senses not to laugh. "Do you have a nickname or something." I asked trying not to snicker. She nodded and smiled at me. "Yeah. You can call me Mad if you want. It's my middle name in English." She said looking out the window. "This is a very lovely house." She said. I smiled as well. "It used to be one of my old teacher's... but he's not around anymore." Mad nodded in understanding. "Oh! We need to run!" I exclaimed looking at my watch. "We're gunna be late!" I quickly opened the door. Waiting for Mad to get out before slamming it shut. The two of us ran as fast as we could. "Hey *puff* Sam!" Mad gasped out next to me. "Yeah? *Huff*" I asked. My lungs hurting. "Would you *huff* like to be *puff* my freind?" She questioned. Don't do it Rabbit boy. She'll leave you. Just like Yuki. Just like Grian. Just like Taurtis. "Of *puff* Course!" I exclaimed happy to both have a friend and something to annoy the voice. "Yay *huff puff*"

~Time Skip to School~~~

I smiled as we entered the school. Exausted and tired. "Wow. I need to run more." Mad said with a laugh. I checked my watch to see what time it was. "You are going to hate me." I said as I checked the time. "Why?" She asked confused. "Because we're twenty minutes early." I said upset that Mad would leave me to. "It's ok. I've done that a hundred times before." She said. I stared at her in shock. She smiled at my amazed expression. "What? No one is perfect." She frowned as she looked at her schedule. "You don't by any chance have Computer lab for first period. Do you?" She asked. I frowned as I realized what this ment. "No, sorry." I muttered looking down. "Ok, do you have lunch at second or Physical education for third?" When I,heard her other classes I smiled. "Both of em." I said with a smile. "Sweet! I'll meet you out front at lunch." She said happily. I nodded as she turned and ran off to find her class as the bell rang. "Bye Sam." She called over her shoulder. I quickly ran up the stairs to Mrs. Okami's class. A new leap in my step. "You look happy Sam." Mrs. Okami said with a smile. "Yep." I said as I sat in my corner seat. "Well class, today we are starting a new project. Today everyone will be teaming up with someone else in the school and putting on a performance for the school. The winner's will get two hundred yen all together. If the person you want to team up with is not in this class then you will still have all of today to work with them." Mrs.Okami said happily. I saw out the corner of my eye Taurtis, Grian, and Dom laughing at me. I just ignored them and started thinking of what Mad and I would do. "You know she's not gunna work with you. You might as well leave." The voice said. I again pushed this off. "RIIIIINNNNNNGGGGG!" The bell screamed. I jumped out of my seat, grabbed my bag, and ran out the door.

Mad:Well, that's part one. I hope you enjoyed. Wait... what's that music? Oh no
Mad:NOPE NOPE AND NOPE! This song will be later. <Insert Creepy Smile>

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