People Bust

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As if on cue, Randy busted through the door. "Jess-said-we-we're-gunna-break-into-the-Yakuzas-building-and-I-have-nothing-to-do-since-my-little-sisters-on-a-date. Also, I found a anime called Gunslinger girls you might like."

I face palmed. "Two things. One, please don't screw this up. And two...We three all need to go on an anime hangout and just fan about Anime." The others laughed.

"Ok, so why do you suspect the Yakuzas of kidnapping those idiots?" Jess answered this time.
"One, they're the Yakuzas... And two, They're Yakuzas."

It was my turn to laugh. "Really Jess?" She shrugged. "I might have forgotten the other info on why we suspect him." Randy was laughing so hard he had fallen over by this point.

"The other info is that we heard Grian yelling. Honestly Jess you have better ears then Me! How did you forget? It literally happened not even two minutes ago!" She nodded as if remembering this

"So we gunna do this?" I asked as Randy slowly sat up and wiped tears from his eyes.

"ROTFLSHYRDTSAOTDAOACAOABAIAWIBQOTKAHTPTTDH!" Randy Yelled. "What?!?" Me and Jess yelled in sinc. "Roll On The Floor Laughing So Hard You Roll Down The Stairs And Out The Door And Off A Cliff And Onto A Boat And Into Australia Where I Became Queen Of The Koalas And Helped Them Plan To Take Down Humanity."

I smiled and chuckled a bit as Jess fell over laughing. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I quickly drew a small symbol on it.

Randy walked over and drew a new symbol on the paper.

Jess slowly got up and, still laughing, drew a symbol on the paper.


I grabbed the paper, took it outside, and used my fire magics to give the paper a flame. "To good luck, good friends, and good skills. May we do this correctly for once."

At that, Jess, Randy, and myself started towards the Yakuzas base. Looking through the window, I saw some Yakuzas on the bottom floor. Looking up, I saw a busted window.

"Ok, how we gunna get in?" Jess asked as Randy stared off into space. "Wait, what?" I smiled as I pointed to a building next to the Yakuza building. "We jump from tear- Tear? Tar? We Jump From There." Jess and Randy nodded as We broke in.

"Randy. Shape shift into a squirrel or a bird to see if Yakuza Kuru is in there." He shape-shifting into a squirrel with bird wings. "Smart-Freak." I muttered loud enough for Jess to hear. She snickered as he came back.

"Grian, Taurtis, Pielord, Hidden, and Gracie are in Yakuza Kuru's office and he's talking to them." I turned to Jess. "Jess?" She smiled and handed Randy and myself a potion. "We have eight minutes." We all drank our own potion, jumped to the Yakuzas roof, and slipped through the broken window.

"What Do You Want With Us?" Grian asked Kuru. "I have noticed the potion I have been using has worn off on you guys. So, I have brain stormed some new ideas. Unfortunately, they are a bit, painful." He paused. "I warned you guys. Don't let the potion stop. I never did want anything, unfortunate, to happen to you guys. But, whatever."

I looked to the door as Yuki entered. "Princess, take these fools down to the basement. Show them how fun our good times are." Yuki nodded. I slipped through the door and followed Yuki till we aproached the gambling room.

I shoved Yuki into Galaxy, and broke some of the windows. Randy and Jess helped distract the Yakuzas. My potion wore off at the exact moment Yakuza Kuru came to see what was happening.

"MOVE YOU IDIOTS! MOVE!" I yelled as I shoved Grian towards the window. Taurtis and Jess ran out at the same time, Gracie ran out, Randy left with Pielord, Hidden left, and I ran out next to Grian. "YOU IDIOTS! CATCH THEM!"

I turned to Kuru and stuck my tongue at him. "DO EVERYONE A FAVOR AND BLEED TO DEATH IN A HOLE WHY DON'T CHA!" And ran after Grian.

"Where *Pant* are we *Huff* Going?!?" He asked. "You and Taurtis are coming to Jess's house. Randy's gunna Teleport Gracie, Pielord, and Hidden to their houses." We had caught up to Jess and Taurtis. Grian froze as I said that.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Hold your horses. Who says we're just gunna come with you? Your just a kid who broke at least three laws! Why should We listen to the likes of you?!?"

I pressed the palms of my hands together and slowed my breathing while counting to ten quietly. "Oh No." Jess said. "Hit The Deck! She's Gunna Blow!" I heard Randy say. 'Eight... Nine... Ten.'  I opened my eyes and glared at Grian.

"Listen You Ignorant Little British Brat. I Couldn't Honestly Care Less about You. Your a Snobby Wimp Who Thinks You Knows What's Best For Yourself When In Reality, You Don't Know Anything About This World And What's Beneath The Surface. I Would Honestly Love For You To Go Just Crawl Back Into The British Hole You Came Out Of. But, I Do Care About My Friend Sam's Feelings. I Do Know That Sam Has Become Depressed Because Of What His Quote On Quote Friends Did To Him. And I Do Know That He Misses You Dearly. I May Be Just a Thirteen Year Old, But I Have Learned More About Friendship Then You Would Know If You Lived Your Life Ten Times. So I Know That A Person Can't Live Without Friends. I Do Not Control Your Life. But I Know You Have Two Options. You Can Come With Me, Accept Your Short Punishment For Doing Something Cruel, and Be Friends With Sam And Make Everyone Normal As The Get Again. Or You Can Go Anywhere Else, Be Caught By The Yakuzas, And Be Tortured  By Them Until You Either Die Or Have Been Brain Washed Into Hating You Best Friend. But Whichever One You Choose, You Should Shut The Hell Up And Quit Insulting The 'Likes Of Me'  Before I Turn You Over To The Yakuzas Myself You Miserable Bag Of Bones! Got It?"

He nodded yes. I continued walking to Jess's house when I called over my sholder "That Goes For You To Taurtis!" It wasn't long before Jess and Randy we're next to me talking about anime with Taurtis and Grian was sulking in the Back.

"So, Mad. Who's your Favorite Vocaloid Singer?" Taurtis asked. I shrugged. "Hatsune Miku. Her song Goodbye is just to good." Grian glared at us. "You are seriously talking about Female Singers with the girl who just threatened us?!?"

Taurtis Shrugged. "It was more at you. I was already gunna go with them." I smirked as Grian asked me another question. "So, what exactly is this 'Short Punishment For Doing Something Cruel. ' "

"Trust me when I say it's nothing. Unfortunately though, since you guys have changed players, I'm gunna have to re-rig the game. That's gunna be fun."

~ ~

Mad: Heyo! Mad here. I am currently locked in a closet.
Grian:With Me!
Mad:Yeah. Sam invited me over to a sleepover with some other people who decided to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. I did not want to play.
Grian:Neither did I!
Mad:I'm just gunna go s-
Sam:If you wanna be let out you have to be nicer to each other!
Mad: When I Get Out Of Here, I'm giving you a Swirle Sam!
Grian: Me To!
Mad:That said Goodie Bye my Star Troopers☆☆☆

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