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I quickly sat up as a knock came at the door. "Sam! I'm sorry! I didn't think Alice would do that again. She's a bit unstable. Will you please come out. We're gunna be late." It was Mad. "Gimme a minuet to change into a uniform." I called back. "Ok. Ima go to the shop. Meet me t here." I waited until I heard the front door shut. "Mas! I wanna talk." I yelled as I hopped out of bed. 'About what?' He asked. This is gunna be a long day.

~Mad's P.O.V~~~

"Mama. Please." Alice asked again. "No Alice, I would have left you home if not for last night." I answered looking for any cars. Even though like no one in this town owns a moving vehicle, it's clear you need to look for cars. I ran across the street towards the shop. Making Alice shush in the process since if anyone heard her other than freinds she would be taken away. I looked around for some candy. I'm a choclate adict. I found some American kit kats as I got a call. Alice passed me my phone from my pack. She was still angry. I checked who was calling, expecting Sam, but instead it was someone I was shocked to chat with. I quickly answered. "Helio." (Pronounced as Hell-ee-oo). "Hey Mad. I heard about the predicament with your freind Sam." He started. "Wait, we're you easdroping on me, M, S, and LB?" I asked with a laugh. "N-no!" I let out another laugh and let him continue. "Anyways, someone hates him that badly, correct." I gave a nod, forgetting he can't see me. "Well, if it is caused by some device or potion, someone here might have am antidote or whatever." I gave a large smile and said. "So, your saying we scare everyone it's effected, and the cure em in the process." I gave a dramatic pause. "I LOVE it! Once we figure out what caused it we're set our play into action." I saw Sam at the entrance. "I gotta go, ok?" I asked. "Kay, see ya lame-o." "Bye loser." I quickly hung up as Sam walked over. "Gord he's obnoxious." I said with a chuckle. "Who was that?" Sam asked. Worse - Case - senario's running through his head. "An old freind. He and the others are offering to help us once we figure out what's causing this." I answered, jesturing to the people around the store glaring at him. He gave a nod and smiled happily. "Anything you want?" I asked grabbing a six-pack of apple juice. "Yeah, can I get a mountain due and some Hello Panda's?" He asked. Without answering, I grabbed what he asked for and headed towards the check-out. "Helio CrabmanCarl. Can get these kit kats, apple juices, mountain due, and Hello Panda's?" I asked. "Sure, that'll be 2000 yen, 1800 if you buy a bag of Doritos." Confused, I grabbed a bag and handed it to him as well. I pulled out 1800 yen. He handed me back all the food and I walked out with Sam next to me. I pulled out a juice and put the rest in my backpack. I handed Sam his Hello Panda's and Mt. Due. "Thanks Mad." Sam said eating some of his food. I started nibbling on a kit kat with a nod. We arrived at school a few minutes early and started looking for J. I was lucky enough to find him polishing a car from back to the future. "Hey J." I said with a kind smile. I had never talked to him so I wanted to seam nice enough for him to want to help us out. "Oh, hello Mad. Wazzup?" I couldn't help but smile. I could wrap a man around my little finger without trying if I wanted to. "Hey, me and Sam are trying to figure something out, but we need to talk to you." He pulled out and opened a bag of Doritos while I talked. "Ok, I'll talk to you, but not Sam." I gave a nod as he had a few chips. "Meet me after school at my place." I gave another nod as the bell rang. I quickly ran upstairs and into computer room. I needed to tell Sam what's up. "Okey ccccllllaassss..." He was drunk again. Upset his only good daughter was marring a frog. "Since <Hic> I didn't plan ahead, we <Hic> are having <hic> free time." I quickly pulled out my phone and started texting Sam. @ Samgladiator, I have access to J's house, but... he won't let you come. I logged into my computer. As I waited for it to start up I got a text. @ Mad_The_Proxie (my MC username) It cool, I'll meet you at home. I smiled. We we're cool. I looked at my computer which had finished loading. I clicked onto Spamify and started my music Scary Theme. I also started up deviant art or whatever it's called. I could see some I Eat Pasta For Breakfast in my future.

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